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nscm - the CLI Utility for NodeSource Certified Modules

nscm is a simple utility for NodeSource Certified Modules that can be used to easily authenticate with your Certified Modules registry, to whitelist pacakges that fail certification, and to generate a detailed report about current project and the modules it depends on.


You can install it from npm by running:

$ npm install -g nscm


This tool is meant to be used in the root folder of an application where the package.json file exists.

  Usage: nscm [command] [options]


    config, c           Configure nscm options
    help                Display help
    report, r           Get a report of your packages
    signin, s, login    Sign in to nscm
    signout, o, logout  Sign out of nscm
    verify              Verify if all packages are certified
    whitelist, w        Whitelist your packages


    -C, --certified        Shows only certified packages
    -c, --concurrency <n>  Concurrency of requests (defaults to 15)
    -d, --dot              Formats the report in Graphiz dot (disabled by default)
    -f, --failed           Shows only packages that failed certification (disabled by default)
    -g, --github           Sign in using GitHub SSO (disabled by default)
    -G, --google           Sign in using Google SSO (disabled by default)
    -h, --help             Output usage information
    -j, --json             Formats the report in JSON (disabled by default)
    -o, --output           Save report to file (disabled by default)
    -p, --production       Only check production (disabled by default)
    -r, --registry         Certified modules registry (defaults to "")
    -s, --svg              Formats the report in SVG (disabled by default)
    -t, --token            Token for registry authentication (defaults to "")
    -v, --version          Output the version number

  Additional Help

    Add -h to the 'config' or 'whitelist' commands for additional help concerning those commands.

    nscm config -h
    nscm whitelist -h

nscm report (default)

Returns a report of matching certified packages and their certification scores.

$ nscm report
please wait while we process the information
│ Package                            │ Version       │ Score  │
│ body-parser                        │ 1.15.2        │ 100    │
│ debug                              │ 2.2.0         │ 70     │
│ ms                                 │ 0.7.1         │ 100    │
│ bytes                              │ 2.4.0         │ 100    │
│ content-type                       │ 1.0.2         │ 100    │
│ depd                               │ 1.1.0         │ 100    │
│ http-errors                        │ 1.5.1         │ 100    │
│ inherits                           │ 2.0.3         │ 100    │

You can also pass --json to return the report in JSON format, --svg to return the report in SVG format, or --dot to return the report in Graphviz DOT format. Use --production to return only dependencies and not devDependencies and --output to save a file (.json or .svg) for generated report.

If you want to filter the output you can use --certified to show only certified packages or --failed to show only packages that failed certification.

$ nscm report --production --json
please wait while we process the information
    "name": "body-parser",
    "version": "1.15.2",
    "from": "1.15.2 <1.16.0",
    "score": 100
    "name": "debug",
    "version": "2.2.0",
    "from": ">=2.2.0 <2.3.0",
    "score": 70
    "name": "ms",
    "version": "0.7.1",
    "from": "0.7.1",
    "score": 100
    "name": "bytes",
    "version": "2.4.0",
    "from": "2.4.0",
    "score": 100

nscm whitelist

Check which packages aren't certified, and start an interactive prompt to add packages to the whitelist.

$ nscm whitelist
please wait while we process the information

37 packages aren't certified, do you want to add them to the whitelist?
? add [email protected] Yes
? add [email protected] Yes
? add [email protected] No
? add [email protected] No
? add [email protected] (ynaH) All

│ Package                            │ Version       │ Score  │
│ debug                              │ 2.2.0         │ 70     │
│ setprototypeof                     │ 1.0.2         │        │
│ source-list-map                    │ 0.1.8         │        │
│ webpack-core                       │ 0.6.9         │        │
35 packages added to the whitelist

You can also pass --all to add all the packages to the whitelist and --json to return the packages in a JSON format.

nscm whitelist add

Add a package and its dependencies to the whitelist.

$ nscm whitelist add [email protected]

If you pass only the package name, nscm will use latest. You can also pass a semver range or a specific version. If a semver range is passed it will be resolved to the highest published version that matches the range.

nscm whitelist delete

Delete a package from the whitelist.

$ nscm whitelist delete debug

nscm whitelist list

Lists all whitelisted packages.

$ nscm whitelist list
│ Package                            │ Version       │ Score  │
│ acorn                              │ 4.0.1         │        │
│ isarray                            │ 2.0.1         │        │
2 packages in the whitelist

nscm whitelist reset

Removes all whitelisted packages.

nscm config

Configuration Options

  • token - Authentication Token. If not specified, it will be fetched from ~/.npmrc - required
  • registry - Private NodeSource Certified Modules registry URL. If not specified, it will be fetched from ~/.npmrc - required
  • concurrency - Concurrency of requests to package registry - default: 15

nscm config set <key> <value>

Modify the specified configuration option.

$ nscm config set concurrency 10

nscm config get

Gets a configuration option

$ nscm config get registry

nscm config delete

Deletes a configuration option.

$ nscm config delete token

nscm config list

List all configuration options.

$ nscm config list
concurrency = 15
registry = https://{registryId}

nscm config reset

Reset all configuration options to default values.

$ nscm config reset

Authors and Contributors

Nathan WhiteGitHub/nwTwitter/@_nw_
Julián DuqueGitHub/julianduqueTwitter/@julian_duque
Adrián EstradaGitHub/edsadrTwitter/@edsadr
Max HarrisGitHub/maxharris9Twitter/@maxharris9
Tierney CyrenGitHub/bnbTwitter/@bitandbang
Giovanny GongoraGitHub/GioyikTwitter/@Gioyik

Contributions are welcomed from anyone wanting to improve this project!

License & Copyright

nscm is Copyright (c) 2017 NodeSource and licensed under the MIT license. All rights not explicitly granted in the MIT license are reserved. See the included file for more details.