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TLS: add first pass of test program
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nwf committed Dec 22, 2019
1 parent 67b8704 commit 24b777b
Showing 1 changed file with 226 additions and 0 deletions.
226 changes: 226 additions & 0 deletions lua_tests/tls-test.expect
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
#!/usr/bin/env expect

# Walk a NodeMCU device through some basic functionality tests.
# Requires `socat` and `openssl` on the host side; tested only on Linux.
# Tries to guess the host's IP address using `ip route get`, but this can be
# overridden with the -ip command line option.
# A typical invocation looks like:
# ./tls-test.expect -serial /dev/ttyUSB3 -wifi "$(cat wificmd)"
# where the file `wificmd` contains something like
# wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION); wifi.sta.config({...}); wifi.sta.connect()
# where the ... is filled in with the local network's configuration. All on
# one line, tho', so that the script just gets one prompt back.
# For debugging the test itself, it may be useful to invoke expect with -d,
# which will give a great deal of diagnostic information about the expect state
# machine's internals:
# expect -d ./tls-test.expect ...

package require struct::stack

::struct::stack ulogstack
proc pushulog { new } {
ulogstack push [log_user -info]
log_user ${new}
proc populog { } { log_user [ulogstack pop] }

proc send_exp_prompt { sid cmd } {
send -i ${sid} -- "${cmd}\n"
expect {
-i ${sid} -ex "\n> " { }

proc send_exp_prompt_c { sid cmd } {
send -i ${sid} -- "${cmd}\n"
expect {
-i ${sid} -ex "\n>> " { }

proc genectls { curve pfx } {
exec "openssl" "ecparam" "-genkey" "-name" ${curve} "-out" "${pfx}.key"
exec "openssl" "req" "-new" "-sha256" "-subj" "/CN=${curve}" "-key" "${pfx}.key" "-out" "${pfx}.csr"
exec "openssl" "req" "-x509" "-sha256" "-days" "365" "-key" "${pfx}.key" "-in" "${pfx}.csr" "-out" "${pfx}.crt"

proc preptls { victim } {
send_exp_prompt_c ${victim} "function tlsbasic(id,port,host)"
send_exp_prompt_c ${victim} " local c = tls.createConnection()"
send_exp_prompt_c ${victim} " c:on(\"receive\", function(sck, d) print(\"RECV\",id,d) end)"
send_exp_prompt_c ${victim} " c:on(\"connection\", function(sck) print(\"CONN\",id); sck:send(\"GET / HTTP/1.0\\r\\n\\r\\n\") end)"
send_exp_prompt_c ${victim} " c:on(\"disconnection\", function(sck) print(\"DISC\",id) end)"
send_exp_prompt_c ${victim} " c:connect(port,host)"
send_exp_prompt_c ${victim} " return c"
send_exp_prompt ${victim} "end"

# Basic connectivity test, including disconnection of localsid.
proc basicconntest { id localsid victimsid victimconn } {
set timeout 15
expect {
-i ${localsid} -re ".+" {
# If socat says anything, it's almost surely an error
exit 1
-i ${victimsid} "CONN\t${id}" { }
set timeout 2
pushulog 0
expect {
-i ${localsid} "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" {
send -i ${localsid} "abracadabra"
expect {
-i ${victimsid} "RECV\t${id}\tabracadabra" {
send_exp_prompt ${victimsid} "${victimconn}:send(\"test 1 2 3 4\")"
pushulog 0
expect {
-i ${localsid} "test 1 2 3 4" {
close -i ${localsid}
set timeout 15
expect {
-i ${victimsid} "DISC\t${id}" { }

# Generate some TLS certificates for our use, if they don't exist
set fntls256v1 "test-256v1"
if { ! [file exists "${fntls256v1}.key" ] } { genectls "prime256v1" ${fntls256v1} }
set fntls384r1 "test-384r1"
if { ! [file exists "${fntls384r1}.key" ] } { genectls "secp384r1" ${fntls384r1} }

package require cmdline
set cmd_parameters {
{ serial.arg "/dev/ttyUSB0" "Set the serial interface name" }
{ wifi.arg "" "Command to run to bring up the network" }
{ ip.arg "" "My IP address (will guess if not given)" }
# { debug "Turn on debugging" }
set cmd_usage "- A NodeMCU TLS test program"
if {[catch {array set cmdopts [cmdline::getoptions ::argv $cmd_parameters $cmd_usage]}]} {
send_user [cmdline::usage $cmd_parameters $cmd_usage]
exit 0

# if { ${cmdopts(debug)} } { exp_internal 1 }

send_user "===> Note: Serial port is ${cmdopts(serial)}; debug is ${cmdopts(debug)} <===\n"

spawn "socat" "STDIO" "${cmdopts(serial)},rawer,crnl"
set victim ${spawn_id}
close -onexec 1 -i ${victim}

# Use DTR/RTS signaling to reboot the device
## I'm not sure why we have to keep resetting the mode, but so it goes.
set victimfd [open "${cmdopts(serial)}"]
fconfigure ${victimfd} -mode 115200,n,8,1 -ttycontrol {DTR 0 RTS 1}
sleep 0.1
fconfigure ${victimfd} -mode 115200,n,8,1 -ttycontrol {DTR 0 RTS 0}
close ${victimfd}

# Wait for the system to boot
expect {
-i ${victim} "Formatting file system" {
set timeout 60
-i ${victim} "powered by Lua" { }
timeout {
send_user "\n===> Did not see boot sequence; bailing out <===\n"
exit 0
# Catch nwf's system bootup, in case we're testing an existing system,
# rather than a blank firmware.
expect {
-i ${victim} "Reset delay!" { send "got:stop()\n" ; expect "> " }
-i ${victim} "> " { }
send_user "\n===> Machine has booted <===\n"

# Program a routine for TLS connections
preptls ${victim}

# Connect the board to the network

if {[expr 0 < [string length ${cmdopts(wifi)}]]} {
send_exp_prompt ${victim} ${cmdopts(wifi)}

for {set i 0} {${i} < 10} {incr i} {
send -i ${victim} "=wifi.sta.getip()\n"
expect {
-i ${victim} -re "\n(\[^\n\t]+)\t\[^\t]+\t\[^\t]+\n> " {
set victimip ${expect_out(1,string)}
send_user "\n===> Victim IP address ${victimip} <===\n"
-i ${victim} -ex "nil\r\n> " {
# must not be connected
sleep 1
if {[expr 10 == $i]} {
send_user "\n===> Unable to connect to network; bailing out! <===\n"
exit 1

if {[expr 0 < [string length ${cmdopts(ip)}]]} {
set myip ${cmdopts(ip)}
} else {
# Guess our IP address by using the victim's
spawn "ip" "route" "get" ${victimip}
expect {
-re "src (\[^ ]*) " {
set myip ${expect_out(1,string)}

send_exp_prompt ${victim} "tls.setDebug(2)"
send_exp_prompt ${victim} "tls.cert.verify(false)"

send_user "\n===> TEST SSL 256v1, no verify <===\n"

spawn -noecho "socat" "STDIO,cfmakeraw" "OPENSSL-LISTEN:12345,verify=0,certificate=${fntls256v1}.crt,key=${fntls256v1}.key,reuseaddr"
send_exp_prompt ${victim} "c = tlsbasic(0,12345,\"${myip}\")"
basicconntest 0 ${spawn_id} ${victim} "c"

send_user "\n===> TEST SSL 384r1, no verify <===\n"

spawn -noecho "socat" "STDIO,cfmakeraw" "OPENSSL-LISTEN:12345,verify=0,certificate=${fntls384r1}.crt,key=${fntls384r1}.key,reuseaddr"
send_exp_prompt ${victim} "c = tlsbasic(1,12345,\"${myip}\")"
basicconntest 1 ${spawn_id} ${victim} "c"

send_user "\n===> TEST SSL 384r1, verify <===\n"

set cert [open "${fntls384r1}.crt"]
send_exp_prompt_c ${victim} "tls.cert.verify(\[\["
while { [gets $cert line] >= 0 } {
send_exp_prompt_c ${victim} $line
send_exp_prompt ${victim} "]])"
close ${cert}
send_exp_prompt ${victim} "tls.cert.verify(true)"

spawn -noecho "socat" "STDIO,cfmakeraw" "OPENSSL-LISTEN:12345,verify=0,certificate=${fntls384r1}.crt,key=${fntls384r1}.key,reuseaddr"
send_exp_prompt ${victim} "c = tlsbasic(2,12345,\"${myip}\")"
basicconntest 2 ${spawn_id} ${victim} "c"

send_user "\n===> TESTS OK <===\n"

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