HTTP negotiation with JSON API-compliant servers. Intended for use with elm-jsonapi.
See the documentation at:
For a live usage example, see the /example
directory in the project repo.
Note: The example app requires you to run a Sinatra server, meaning you will need Ruby and Rack installed.
- Compile the elm file:
cd example && elm make Main.elm
- Open the resulting html file
[open|tee|firefox] index.html
- Run the sinatra server (and make sure it runs on port 9292 if that's not your default):
rackup -p 9292
-- from `noahzgordon/elm-jsonapi`
import JsonApi.Resources
-- from `noahzgordon/elm-jsonapi-http`
import JsonApi.Http
type alias Model =
{ protagonist : Maybe Character
type alias Character =
{ firstName : String
, lastName : String
characterDecoder : Json.Decode.Decoder Character
characterDecoder =
Json.Decode.map2 Character
(Json.Decode.field "first-name" Json.Decode.string)
(Json.Decode.field "last-name" Json.Decode.string)
getProtagonist : Cmd Message
getProtagonist =
JsonApi.Http.getPrimaryResource "http://localhost:9292/luke"
|> Http.send ProtagonistLoaded
update message model =
case message of
ProtagonistLoaded (Ok resource) ->
( { model | protagonist = JsonApi.Resources.attributes characterDecoder resource |> Result.toMaybe }, Cmd.none)
ProtagonistLoaded (Err error) ->
Debug.log ("Remember to start the server on port 9292! " ++ toString e) (model, Cmd.none)