Please visit the Course Website for more information, or if you wish to register.
This GitHub repository contains the notebooks and files used in the tutorials presented during the associated VSS workshop. It additionally contains configuration files for docker that will allow any user who has installed docker to run the tutorials on their own. If you are registered for the course, then you will be sent information on accessing a cloud-based compute environment that is preconfigured with the course software and this repository. If you are using this repository outside of the course, then you can use docker to create a local virtual machine containing the compute environment using the following steps:
You will need to install docker; see the docker installation page for information. Docker is available for all major operating systems and is easy to install.
Once docker has been installed and you have started Docker Desktop, we recommend that you enter the settings menu, go to the "Resources" tab, and increase docker's allotment of CPUs and Memory to as high as you are comfortable.
You will need to use a unix shell, ideally
, to interact with docker and git. This is frequently also called a terminal. If you need help installing or accessing a shell, please see these instructions from the Carpentries.Note that neither the Windows command prompt nor Windows Power Shell are suitable for the following steps. See the above link for installation instructions for Git-Bash on Windows, which is a suitable unix shell.
You will also need to install
. If you don't havegit
installed, please see these instructions. -
Open a terminal. You must first clone this repository and enter the repository directory.
~$ git clone Cloning into 'vss2024'... remote: Enumerating objects: 164, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (164/164), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (106/106), done. remote: Total 164 (delta 77), reused 127 (delta 43), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (164/164), 27.80 MiB | 5.84 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (77/77), done. ~$ cd vss2024 vss2024$
Have docker start the server. This may take awhile the first time you run it because the docker image must either be built or downloaded.
vss2024$ docker-compose up ...
This last step will produce a lot of output, but toward the end will be a few lines that look like this:
To access the server, open this file in a browser: vss2024-neurodesk-1 | file:///home/jovyan/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/jpserver-131-open.html vss2024-neurodesk-1 | Or copy and paste one of these URLs: vss2024-neurodesk-1 | http://021559eaf973:8888/lab?token=9f49ca6423399b382fbfa198b7731581028eebfb6fb4eb57 vss2024-neurodesk-1 |
Copy that entire final web-link (
in the above example) into your web browser to access the compute environment. You can then navigate to the tutorials directory to access the tutorial notebooks.