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a flexible, powerful, simple, reasonably fast, and multiplatform build tool

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This is a build tool like Make with Python build scripts.
Python 3.12 is required.
Setting bt up in a project is easy; see the setup section.

API documentation

bt.debug = True

options = ["-std=c2x", "-Ofast", parameter("options")]
main = "main"
mainc = main + ".c"

@task(export = False, output = mainc)
def generateSource():
	write(mainc, outdent("""
		#include <stdio.h>
		int main() {puts("foo bar");}

@task(generateSource, default = True, input = options, output = main)
def compile():
	sh(Arguments("gcc -o", main, options, generateSource.outputFiles))

def run():
	sh("./" + main)
$ bt run
> generateSource
> compile
> run
foo bar

$ bt run
> run
foo bar

$ bt run options="-Oz -flto"
> compile
> run
foo bar

$ bt run options="-Oz -flto"
> run
foo bar


The execution of bt is always accompanied by a build script. bt lets the build script run and define tasks and do any other setup. When the build script exits, bt takes over. It looks at the command line arguments that were passed and sets parameters and determines which tasks to run. Before running a task, bt runs all of its dependencies which may include tasks and callables. Since tasks can take long, bt provides facilities for caching them so that they don't have to run every time.


bt can be installed globally or locally per project (as a Git submodule for example).


  1. Install bt: python -m pip install --user buildt. On macOS and some Linux distributions, --break-system-packages might be necessary.
  2. If pip shows something like WARNING: The script bt is installed in '/home/x/.local/bin' which is not on PATH., then add the directory in the message to PATH.
  3. Run it in a directory with a build script.

Alternatively, bt can be cloned anywhere; is the executable.


  1. Enter a new or existing project directory.
  2. a. In a Git repository, add bt as a submodule: git submodule add
    b. otherwise, clone it: git clone
  3. Use it by importing it in the build script.


bt can run as an executable or as a library imported by the build script.

bt can be run as an executable if the build script is named or bs and bt is installed

  • globally (bt foo if bt is in PATH or python -m bt foo)
  • or locally (python bt foo).

In both cases, bt can be run by being imported by the build script (./bs foo or python bs foo).

On Windows, py can be used instead of python. It can be useful if the build script's name does not have the extension .py.


bt searches for a build script named or bs in the current directory and runs it.

  1. Make a build script in a new or existing project directory.
from bt import * # This is optional but recommended for language server support.

def alfa(): print("bar")
  1. Run it: bt alfa # bar.


The build script—which may be named anything—is the main module and imports bt as a package. bt starts automatically when the build script's thread stops.

  1. Make a build script (here bs):
#!/usr/bin/env python
from bt import *

def quebec(): print("bar")
  1. (Outside Windows) make it executable: chmod +x bs.
  2. Run it: ./bs quebec # bar (py bs quebec on Windows).


bt takes as arguments names of tasks to run and name=value pairs which set parameters for the build.


Tasks are functions that can be run on demand from the command line or as dependencies of other tasks.
A function can be declared a task by using the decorator @task. The task's name is the function's name.

bt.debug = True is implicit in all of the examples below.

def bravo():

This declares a task bravo that prints "bar".

$ bt bravo
> bravo


Options can be set for a task as keyword arguments to its decorator's task call. The following example sets the options default and source.

@task(default = True, source = "main.c")
def sierra(): pass

Alternatively, they can be set as non-positional-only parameters' default values or annotations (in Python 3.14 or 3.13 with __future__.annotations). The latter are lazily evaluated when they are needed.

If the task has a vararg parameter, then only keyword-only parameters are interpreted as options.

def tango(default: True, source: "main.c"): pass

Task arguments

The command line arguments after the first instance of -- are passed to the last task in the command line or the last declared default task. A task can accept or require them as non-option parameters. The arguments must match the task's arity.

This task accepts any number of arguments.

def oscar(*args):
$ bt oscar -- foo -- bar
> oscar
('foo', '--', 'bar')

This task requires exactly 2 arguments.

def papa(a, b, /):
	print(a, "|", b)
$ bt papa
Task papa: received 0 arguments instead of 2.
$ bt papa --
Task papa: received 0 arguments instead of 2.
$ bt papa -- foo
Task papa: received 1 argument instead of 2.
$ bt papa -- foo bar baz
Task papa: received 3 arguments instead of 2.

$ bt papa -- foo bar
> papa
foo | bar


Any non-keyword argument to task is considered as a dependency which may be another task or its name or a callable. Before a task runs, its dependencies run first.

def charlie(): pass

def delta(): pass

Here charlie will always run before delta.

$ bt delta
> charlie
> delta

$ bt delta charlie
> charlie
> delta


task's parameter default controls whether the task runs when the command line has not specified any tasks.

@task(default = True)
def echo():

bt automatically runs echo when the user has not selected any tasks.

$ bt
> echo


Any task can be run from the command line by default. This can be changed by the option export.

@task(default = True, export = False)
def foxtrot():

This will make foxtrot run by default but not runnable explicitly.

$ bt foxtrot
No task matched 'foxtrot'.


Setting any of source, input and output for a task enables caching which allows unnecessary tasks to be skipped. source contains glob patterns that specify files; input may be any object; and output contains filenames. The absence of a source file specified by an exact filename just before the task runs is an error.

A task will be skipped only if

  • it has caching enabled
  • no impure task dependencies run
  • input and the source files' mtimes are the same values from the task's previous run
  • and all output files exist.

The cache file containing tasks' inputs from their previous runs is .bt.


@task(source = "foo")
def hotel(): pass

When this task is called, it runs if this time is the first or foo's mtime changed.

$ touch foo
$ bt hotel
> hotel
$ bt hotel
$ touch foo
$ bt hotel
> hotel


@task(input = "baz")
def golf(): pass

This task will run only once ever: Since input has not been cached before the first run, golf is run once. Thereafter whenever the task is about to run, since input does not change, it matches the cached version and golf is skipped. Therefore golf runs only once.

$ bt golf
> golf
$ bt golf


bt ensures that the parent directories of all outputs exist.

@task(output = "foo/bar/baz")
def india():
	sh("touch foo/bar/baz")

This task will be skipped if foo/bar/baz exists.

$ ls foo
ls: cannot access 'foo': No such file or directory
$ bt india
> india
$ ls foo/bar
$ bt india

Ignoring the cache

A task can be forced to run by passing as an argument its name suffixed by !.

@task(default = True, input = 0)
def juliett(): pass

@task(juliett, input = 0)
def kilo(): pass

@task(kilo, input = 0)
def lima(): pass
$ bt lima
> juliett
> kilo
> lima

$ bt kilo
$ bt kilo!
> kilo

Passing ! forces all initial tasks to run.

$ bt !
> juliett

$ bt kilo !
> kilo

Passing ! twice forces all required tasks to run.

$ bt ! !
> juliett

$ bt kilo ! !
> juliett
> kilo

Pure tasks

Pure tasks act like they don't have side effects: their execution does not prevent tasks that depend on them from being skipped.

@task(pure = True)
def mike(): pass

@task(mike, input = 0)
def november(): pass

When november is called after the first run, it will be skipped but mike will run.

$ bt november
> mike
> november

$ bt november
> mike


A task can be given a name different from that of its function by using the option name.

for n in range(100):
	@task(name = str(n))
	def romeo():
		n = int(
		print(f"{n} * {n} = {n * n}")

This will generate 100 tasks with the numbers 0-99 as their names.

$ bt 37
> 37
37 * 37 = 1369


a flexible, powerful, simple, reasonably fast, and multiplatform build tool






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