DearInventoryRuby - the Ruby gem for the DEAR Inventory API
This specifing endpoints for DEAR Inventory API
This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2.0.0
- Package version: 0.2.11
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen For more information, please visit
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build dear-inventory-ruby.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./dear-inventory-ruby-0.2.11.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./dear-inventory-ruby-0.2.11.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'dear-inventory-ruby', '~> 0.2.11'
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'dear-inventory-ruby', :git => ''
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'dear-inventory-ruby'
# Setup authorization
DearInventoryRuby.configure do |config|
# Configure API key authorization: accountID
config.api_key['api-auth-accountid'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
#config.api_key_prefix['api-auth-accountid'] = 'Bearer'
# Configure API key authorization: appKey
config.api_key['api-auth-applicationkey'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
#config.api_key_prefix['api-auth-applicationkey'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
account = { "Code": "001", "Status": "ACTIVE", "Name": "Accounts Payable test", "Type": "CURRLIAB", "Description": "Outstanding invoices the company has received from suppliers but has not yet paid at balance date", "Class": "LIABILITY", "SystemAccount": "CREDITORS", } # Account | an Account object with properties to create
opts = {
summarize_errors: false # Boolean | If false return 200 OK and mix of successfully created objects and any with validation errors
#Allows you to create an Account
result = api_instance.create_account(account, opts)
p result
rescue DearInventoryRuby::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling InventoryApi->create_account: #{e}"
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | create_account | POST /ref/account | Allows you to create an Account |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | create_customer | POST /customer | Allows you to create a customer |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | create_payment_term | POST /ref/paymentterm | Allows you to create a payment term |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | create_sale_invoice | POST /sale/invoice | Allows you to create a sale invoice |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | create_sale_order | POST /sale/order | Allows you to create a Sale Order |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | create_sale_payment | POST /sale/payment | Allows you to create a Sale Payment |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | create_sale_quote | POST /sale/quote | Allows you to create a Sale Quote |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | create_tax | POST /ref/tax | Allows you to create a tax |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | create_webhook | POST /webhooks | Allows you to create a Webhook |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | delete_account | DELETE /ref/account | Allows you to delete an Account |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | delete_payment_term | DELETE /ref/paymentterm | Allows you to delete a payment term |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | delete_sale_invoice | DELETE /sale/invoice | Allows you to delete a sale invoice |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | delete_sale_payment | DELETE /sale/payment | Allows you to delete a sale payment |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | delete_webhook | DELETE /webhooks | Allows you to delete a webhook |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | get_accounts | GET /ref/account | Allows you to retrieve the Chart of Accounts |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | get_carriers | GET /ref/carrier | Allows you to retrieve the carriers |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | get_customers | GET /customer | Allows you to retrieve the customers |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | get_locations | GET /ref/location | Allows you to retrieve the locations |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | get_me | GET /me | Allows you to retrieve your information |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | get_me_contacts | GET /me/contacts | Allows you to retrieve the me contacts (Sales Representatives) |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | get_payment_terms | GET /ref/paymentterm | Allows you to retrieve the payment terms |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | get_price_tiers | GET /ref/priceTier | Allows you to retrieve the Price Tiers |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | get_sale | GET /sale | Allows you to retrieve the Sale |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | get_sale_invoices | GET /sale/invoice | Allows you to retrieve the sale invoices |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | get_sale_list | GET /saleList | Allows you to retrieve the Sales based on conditions |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | get_sale_order | GET /sale/order | Allows you to retrieve the Sale Order |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | get_sale_payment | GET /sale/payment | Allows you to retrieve the Sale Payments |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | get_sale_quote | GET /sale/quote | Allows you to retrieve the Sale Quote |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | get_taxes | GET /ref/tax | Allows you to retrieve the taxes |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | get_webhooks | GET /webhooks | Allows you to retrieve the Webhooks |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | update_account | PUT /ref/account | Allows you to update an Account |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | update_customer | PUT /customer | Allows you to update a customer |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | update_payment_term | PUT /ref/paymentterm | Allows you to update a payment term |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | update_sale_payment | PUT /sale/payment | Allows you to update a sale payment |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | update_tax | PUT /ref/tax | Allows you to update a tax |
DearInventoryRuby::InventoryApi | update_webhook | PUT /webhooks | Allows you to update a webhook |
- DearInventoryRuby::Account
- DearInventoryRuby::Accounts
- DearInventoryRuby::Address
- DearInventoryRuby::AttachmentLine
- DearInventoryRuby::AuthorizationType
- DearInventoryRuby::Bin
- DearInventoryRuby::Carrier
- DearInventoryRuby::Carriers
- DearInventoryRuby::Contact
- DearInventoryRuby::Customer
- DearInventoryRuby::Customers
- DearInventoryRuby::Error
- DearInventoryRuby::ExternalHeader
- DearInventoryRuby::Location
- DearInventoryRuby::Locations
- DearInventoryRuby::Me
- DearInventoryRuby::MeContact
- DearInventoryRuby::MeContacts
- DearInventoryRuby::PaymentTerm
- DearInventoryRuby::PaymentTerms
- DearInventoryRuby::PriceTier
- DearInventoryRuby::PriceTiers
- DearInventoryRuby::Sale
- DearInventoryRuby::SaleAdditionalCharge
- DearInventoryRuby::SaleInvoice
- DearInventoryRuby::SaleInvoiceAdditionalCharge
- DearInventoryRuby::SaleInvoiceDelete
- DearInventoryRuby::SaleInvoiceLine
- DearInventoryRuby::SaleInvoicePartial
- DearInventoryRuby::SaleInvoicePost
- DearInventoryRuby::SaleInvoices
- DearInventoryRuby::SaleItem
- DearInventoryRuby::SaleList
- DearInventoryRuby::SaleOrder
- DearInventoryRuby::SaleOrderLine
- DearInventoryRuby::SalePayment
- DearInventoryRuby::SalePaymentLine
- DearInventoryRuby::SaleQuote
- DearInventoryRuby::SaleQuoteLine
- DearInventoryRuby::ShippingAddress
- DearInventoryRuby::Success
- DearInventoryRuby::SupplierCustomerAddress
- DearInventoryRuby::Tax
- DearInventoryRuby::TaxComponent
- DearInventoryRuby::Taxes
- DearInventoryRuby::Webhook
- DearInventoryRuby::WebhookType
- DearInventoryRuby::Webhooks
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: api-auth-accountid
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: api-auth-applicationkey
- Location: HTTP header