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Jump to the next level of power, use Regex

Dr. Nicola Mingotti edited this page Dec 11, 2021 · 1 revision

Regex is large subject. For the moment I am going to put here just a list of examples.

  • First things first, to work with Regexp you need to load the appropriate package
Feature require: 'Regex'.
  • Important, matchesRegex tries to match a full string, if you want to scan for a substring use search: .
  • Does the string match a regex?
'hello123' matchesRegex: 'he'.     " => false "
'hello123' matchesRegex: 'he.*'.   " => true "  
  • Find all occurrences of a regex
' 2019-08-01T00:00:00+00:00' allRegexMatches: '\d+'.  
" => an OrderedCollection('2019' '08' '01' '00' '00' '00' '00' '00') "
  • Split a string, classic applications: CSV parsing, get a list of words from a sentence.
',' asRegex split: '123,c1,12.4 , Foo bar, baz'.
" => an OrderedCollection('123' 'c1' '12.4 ' ' Foo bar' ' baz') "
  • Substitute each regex match with a given string
'ab cd ab' copyWithRegex: '(a|b)+' matchesReplacedWith: 'foo' . 
" => 'foo cd foo' "
  • Substitute each regex match with the result of Block value
'ab cd ab' copyWithRegex: '(a|b)+' matchesTranslatedUsing: [:each | each asUppercase] . 
" => 'AB cd AB' "
  • Grouping in regex
str _ 'Today is 05-Aug, it is about 09:34, and we are near Verona. ' . 
rex _ '(\d+)\:(\d+)'  asRegex . 
rex class.                  " => RxMatcher "
rex search: str.            " =>  true            # true, a match has been found. "
rex subexpressionCount.     " => 3                 # number of elements matched. "
rex subexpression: 1.       " =>  '09:34'       # first element is always the whole match. "
rex subexpression: 2.       " =>  '09'           # then there are groups... "
rex subexpression: 3.       " =>  '34'                                              "
  • Observe well that the matching substrings are stored into the Regex object.

Dr. Nicola Mingotti updated this on 06-Sep-2021. Examples were run in a Cuis a bit older than Cuis5.0-4834.image.

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