Distributed, sharded in-memory cache and proxy for S3.
- Horizontal scaling and clustering
- Read-through blob cache with TTL
- Batch parallel uploads and deletes
- Max memory limits with LRU evictions
- Fast cache keys invalidation
- Async cache pre-warming with keys prefix
- Prometheus metrics
- Access multiple S3 endpoints (on-prem + AWS) (soon)
$ docker run -it ghcr.io/marshallwace/cachenator --help
Usage of /cachenator:
-host string
Host/IP to identify self in peers list (default "localhost")
-max-cache-size int
Max cache size in megabytes. If size goes above, oldest keys will be evicted (default 512)
-max-multipart-memory int
Max memory in megabytes for /upload multipart form parsing (default 128)
-metrics-port int
Prometheus metrics port (default 9095)
-peers string
Peers (default '', e.g. 'http://peer1:8080,http://peer2:8080')
-port int
Server port (default 8080)
-s3-download-concurrency int
Number of goroutines to spin up when downloading blob chunks from S3 (default 10)
-s3-download-part-size int
Size in megabytes to request from S3 for each blob chunk (minimum 5) (default 5)
-s3-endpoint string
Custom S3 endpoint URL (defaults to AWS)
Force S3 path bucket addressing (endpoint/bucket/key vs. bucket.endpoint/key) (default false)
-s3-upload-concurrency int
Number of goroutines to spin up when uploading blob chunks to S3 (default 10)
-s3-upload-part-size int
Buffer size in megabytes when uploading blob chunks to S3 (minimum 5) (default 5)
-timeout int
Get blob timeout in milliseconds (default 5000)
-ttl int
Blob time-to-live in cache in minutes (default 60)
Verbose logs
$ docker run -d --name cache1 --network host -v $HOME/.aws/:/root/.aws:ro ghcr.io/marshallwace/cachenator \
--port 8080 --metrics-port 9095 \
--peers http://localhost:8080,http://localhost:8081,http://localhost:8082
$ docker run -d --name cache2 --network host -v $HOME/.aws/:/root/.aws:ro ghcr.io/marshallwace/cachenator \
--port 8081 --metrics-port 9096 \
--peers http://localhost:8080,http://localhost:8081,http://localhost:8082
$ docker run -d --name cache3 --network host -v $HOME/.aws/:/root/.aws:ro ghcr.io/marshallwace/cachenator \
--port 8082 --metrics-port 9097 \
--peers http://localhost:8080,http://localhost:8081,http://localhost:8082
# Upload #
curl "http://localhost:8080/upload?bucket=bucket1" \
-F "files=@blob1"
curl "http://localhost:8080/upload?bucket=bucket1&path=folder" \
-F "files=@blob2" \
-F "files=@blob3" \
-F "files=@blob4"
# Get #
# First request fills cache from S3
curl "http://localhost:8080/get?bucket=bucket1&key=blob1" > blob1
# 2nd+ requests served from memory
curl "http://localhost:8080/get?bucket=bucket1&key=blob1" > blob1
# Hitting other nodes will get the blob from the shard owner and cache it as well before returning
curl "http://localhost:8081/get?bucket=bucket1&key=blob1" > blob1
curl "http://localhost:8082/get?bucket=bucket1&key=blob1" > blob1
# List #
curl "http://localhost:8080/list?bucket=bucket1&prefix=folder" | jq '.keys'
# Pre-warm #
# Pre-pull in the background and cache keys 'folder/[blob2/blob3/blob4]'
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/prewarm?bucket=bucket1&prefix=folder/blob"
# Served straight from memory
curl "http://localhost:8080/get?bucket=bucket1&key=folder/blob2" > blob2
# Invalidate #
# Remove blob1 from memory on all nodes
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/invalidate?bucket=bucket1&key=blob1"
# Delete #
# Delete only blob1 from S3
curl -XDELETE "http://localhost:8080/delete?bucket=bucket1&key=blob1"
# Delete keys 'folder/[blob2/blob3/blob4]' from S3
curl -XDELETE "http://localhost:8080/delete?bucket=bucket1&prefix=folder/blob"
# Metrics #
curl "http://localhost:9095/metrics"