Individual and Multiple Pokemon strengths and weaknesses analyzing app.
A Flutter app about Pokemon. Can view pokemon data up to Gen7 ,Comparing 2 pokemon strengths/weaknesses and simulating team to view strengths/weaknesses of Pokemon team.
If you don't have Flutter SDK installed, please visit official Flutter site.
Fetch latest source code from master branch.
$ git clone
- Run the app with Android Studio or VS Code. Or the command line :
$ flutter pub get
$ flutter run
- Pokedex (up to generation 7 pokemons)
- Search and Filter Pokemon with name , index or type
- Check Pokemons Strength , Weakness and Immune
- Check Pokemon's Evolution Chain
- Compare Pokemons
- Team Builder
- Check Team Strength , Weakness and Immune
- Add Pokemons to Favorite
This is some Features of Project in Real App .