Extended functionality for quickfix.
- store/restore
-- path: string
- make
-- name: string | nil
- remove
-- remove qf item
- folke/trouble.nvim(optional). Feature builtin does not support
in text, it's recommended to use trouble for previewing quickfix list.
Here is an example.
local config = {
---@type {[string]: quickfix.Make}
make = {
node = {
cmd = "node",
args = { "index.js" },
-- fields of options
-- - cwd: (string) Set the current working directory for the sub-process.
-- - env: table<string,string> Set environment variables for the new process. Inherits the
-- current environment with `NVIM` set to |v:servername|.
-- - clear_env: (boolean) `env` defines the job environment exactly, instead of merging current
-- environment.
-- - stdin: (string|string[]|boolean) If `true`, then a pipe to stdin is opened and can be written
-- to via the `write()` method to SystemObj. If string or string[] then will be written to stdin
-- and closed. Defaults to `false`.
-- - stdout: (boolean|function)
-- Handle output from stdout. When passed as a function must have the signature `fun(err: string, data: string)`.
-- Defaults to `true`
-- - stderr: (boolean|function)
-- Handle output from stderr. When passed as a function must have the signature `fun(err: string, data: string)`.
-- Defaults to `true`.
-- - text: (boolean) Handle stdout and stderr as text. Replaces `\r\n` with `\n`.
-- - timeout: (integer) Run the command with a time limit. Upon timeout the process is sent the
-- TERM signal (15) and the exit code is set to 124.
-- - detach: (boolean) If true, spawn the child process in a detached state - this will make it
-- a process group leader, and will effectively enable the child to keep running after the
-- parent exits. Note that the child process will still keep the parent's event loop alive
-- unless the parent process calls |uv.unref()| on the child's process handle.
options = {},
-- return false means this make config would not work
is_enabled = function()
return vim.bo.filetype == "javascript"
-- parse command output and set qf_list
-- for basic usage, just copy this function and modify the regex
-- note that error messages may come from `output` or `err`
-- for advanced user, do filtering, mapping or something else as you like.
parser = function(output, err)
-- in this example, the error messages comes from `err`(stderr)
local lines = vim.split(err, "\n")
---@type {file_name: string, lnum: number, text: string}
local qf_item
-- qf_list is an array of qf_item
local qf_list = {}
for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
-- if line match this regex, it should be the start of a new qf_item, or it should be extra info for the previous qf_item
local file, line_nr, msg = string.match(line, "^(%S+):(%d+):?(.*)")
msg = msg or ""
if file and line then
if qf_item then
table.insert(qf_list, qf_item)
qf_item = { filename = file, lnum = tonumber(line_nr), text = msg }
if qf_item then
qf_item.text = qf_item.text .. "\n" .. line
table.insert(qf_list, qf_item)
tsc = {
cmd = "pnpm",
args = { "tsc", "index.ts" },
-- parser can be string or function
-- this parser is defined below
parser = "tsc",
---@type {[string]: fun(output: string, err: string)}
parser = {
tsc = function(output, _)
local lines = vim.split(output, "\n")
local qf_item
local qf_list = {}
for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
local file, line_nr, msg = string.match(line, "^(%S+)%((%d+),%d+%):(.*)")
if file and line then
if qf_item then
table.insert(qf_list, qf_item)
qf_item = { filename = file, lnum = tonumber(line_nr), text = msg }
if qf_item then
qf_item.text = qf_item.text .. "\n" .. line
table.insert(qf_list, qf_item)