Senior Software Engineer at AP Moller - Maersk
Freelance Cloud Consultant on Cloudmaker Inc.
public class DeveloperLife
string Role =>
"Senior Developer @ AP Moller - Maersk"
IList<string> Backend =>
{ "C#", ".NET 4.5+", ".NET Core 2.x+", ".NET 5", ".NET WebAPI", "PowerShell" }
IList<string> Frontend =>
{ "Javascript", "HTML5", "CSS3" }
IList<string> CloudPlatforms =>
{ "Microsoft Azure", "AWS" }
IList<string> Databases =>
{ "MS SQL", "CosmosDB", "MongoDB", "MySQL" }
IList<string> Tools =>
{ "Visual Studio IDE", "VS Code", "pyCharm", "PowerShell ISE" }
IList<string Architectures =>
{ "Microservices (CQRS,SAGA) ", "Event Driven", "Serverless apps", "Design Patterns" }
IList<string> CurrentlyLearning =>
{ "ReactJS", "Bicep", "AWS" }
IList<string> Hobbies =>
{ "Music", "Cooking", "Just some problem solving" }
I love network with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to connect & see what we can do for the betterment of this world! :)