- 🌍 I'm located in Raleigh, North Carolina
- ✉️ You can contact me at [email protected]
- 🧠 I'm currently learning MLOPS
- ⚡ Fun Fact: Debugging is like being the detective in a crime movie where you're also the murderer at the same time.
My GitHub Stats
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Face Recognition system built using OpenCV and python. Face detection, registration, and recognition are the major components of the whole system.
Forked from agupta15k/EnhancedWolfCare
Software Engineering Project 2 for Group 22 - Enhanced WolfCare
Forked from agupta15k/Donatify
Repo for project 1 of group 22 NCSU SE Fall 2022 - Donatify
Car price prediction system build using Flask framework and deployed on HEROKU platform.