MEAN stack web app that displays users with their data. users have todos & posts. each user can add todos & posts, also mark a todo as completed. if all the user's todos are completed, the user's border becomes green. the app also has a search option. In addition, I'v used RxJS Subjects for state managment.
this is FullStack project that uses the technologies:
- Node.js - Backend
- EXPRESS - Server
- Angular - Frontend (Client)
- MongoDB - Database
- RxJS Subjects & Behavior Subjects
- MongoDB With sub-schemas and sub-documents
- NodeJS & Express server with middleware architecture
- clone this project and cd to cloned dir.
git clone [email protected]:nirkopler/UsersWebAppProject.git
- cd to server and start server in your machine.
cd server && npm start
- cd to client and start client in your machine.
cd client && npm start
- go to http://localhost:4200/ 😁
- added alerts on Update & Delete User
- fix search input bug
- improved UI (buttons)
- upgraded form validation (email)
- updated app style
- fixed delete bug
- updated app description
- completed add-user comp
- created search bar in users-main 😉
- fixed css of users-main (overflow)
- completed posts section 🎆😁
- created posts section & add-post
- fixed add todo bug
- added postsBL & postsRouter for managing posts PUT & POST requests 👌
- added selected user background change
- completed todos section 🎆😁
- updated app with new userUtils Service🥰
- applyed BehaviorSubject in userUtils Service (for state managment)
- added todosBL & todosRouter for managing todos PUT & POST requests 👌
- create base services for todos & posts BL
- created todos section
- created basic dashboard functionality
- added users-main parent-child binding
- fixed server userModel 🚀
- added border color for todos
- basic client routing
- client users-main & user components
- created userUtils Service ⛽
- created :User Interface in client (user.ts) 👍
- client basic style
- client basic setup
- created client dir
- server error handling
- specific model schema and subschema 👍
- basic server setup
- created server architecture
- created all files for EXPRESS server
- created DB architecture
- created Client architecture
- Nothing (for now 😄)