I am Kriti, an avid learner and engineer with a passion for learning about technology and building an enterprise-level solution to solve real life problems.
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
- 💬 Ask me about anything related to pandas, sql, python, C++, machine learning and also free to discuss about anime/manga 😄
- 🌱 Currently learning DSA and system design.
- 📝 Hobbies: Curating stuffs from internet, following content creators (animations, comics).
- 📍 Active on Reddit, Discord.
🛠️ Some of active deployed project
Django based project for checking the AQP index:
Dashboard using Dc.js and D3.js:
Gotta study harder. Need to be purrfect.
Current Goals
Readme can be generated from here as well