An opensource fucking machine, that is far superiour to anything on the market.
- Easy to built just with a 3D-printer, screwdrivers and easy-to-source parts.
- Completely 3D-printable with easy to print parts and almost no supports. Also avoiding tight tolerances to make this accessable as possible.
- Simple, yet verastile mechanics.
- Based on a linear position drive, not a crank mechanism.
- Double 24V PWM output to drive external systems. Could be lube pumps, vibrators, etc.
The mechanics is a direct derivative of an other open source project called OSSM. You can also find some informations about this build on their Discord.
The motor mount is designed for a NEMA23 servo or stepper motor. Any motor fitting to this standart should work.
- iHSV57-30-18-36-... integrated servo motor from JMC
- 24V Power Brick Mean Well GST280A24-C6P
- 40cm MGN12H linear rail
- 4x 605-2RS Z2 bearings
- Micro Switch
- GT2 20 Tooth Pulley for 8mm Axis and a 10mm belt
- GT2 belt with 10mm width
- Various M3 and M5 screws and nuts
- Arduino Nano33 IoT
The electronics board is used to interface an external stepper or servo controller. I can't drive a motor directly. It is based around an Arduino Nano33 IoT to enable BLE or WiFi support. It sends 5V DIR, PUL, ENA signals and expects FAULT signal and a homing switch. Two MOSFETs with freewheeling diodes allow PWM control of external systems running of the 24V supply.
The firmware uses a self developed stepper library. It uses the SAMD21 timer perihperials to generate the PUL signal. That way it is possible to create a much higher step rate with no processor loading. Popular Arduino libraries like AccelStepper are not up to the task.
Do not use this firmware! It is heavly beeing worked on. It will destroy your hardware!
No control software yet. But it is planned to use node-red in combination with MQTT messages.