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A compile-time interface checker for Zig that enables interface-based design with comprehensive type checking and detailed error reporting.


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Zig Interfaces & Validation

A compile-time interface checker for Zig that enables interface-based design with comprehensive type checking and detailed error reporting.


This library provides a way to define and verify interfaces in Zig at compile time. It supports:

  • Type-safe interface definitions with detailed error reporting
  • Interface embedding (composition)
  • Complex type validation including structs, enums, arrays, and slices
  • Comprehensive compile-time error messages with helpful hints
  • Flexible error union compatibility with anyerror


Add or update this library as a dependency in your zig project run the following command:

zig fetch --save git+

Afterwards add the library as a dependency to any module in your build.zig:

// ...
const interface_dependency = b.dependency("interface", .{
    .target = target,
    .optimize = optimize,

const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
    .name = "main",
    .root_source_file = b.path("src/main.zig"),
    .target = target,
    .optimize = optimize,
// import the exposed `interface` module from the dependency
exe.root_module.addImport("interface", interface_dependency.module("interface"));
// ...

In the end you can import the interface module. For example:

const Interface = @import("interface").Interface;

const Repository = Interface(.{
    .create = fn(anytype, User) anyerror!u32,
    .findById = fn(anytype, u32) anyerror!?User,
    .update = fn(anytype, User) anyerror!void,
    .delete = fn(anytype, u32) anyerror!void,
}, null);


  1. Define an interface with required method signatures:
const Repository = Interface(.{
    .create = fn(anytype, User) anyerror!u32,
    .findById = fn(anytype, u32) anyerror!?User,
    .update = fn(anytype, User) anyerror!void,
    .delete = fn(anytype, u32) anyerror!void,
}, null);
  1. Implement the interface methods in your type:
const InMemoryRepository = struct {
    allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
    users: std.AutoHashMap(u32, User),
    next_id: u32,

    pub fn create(self: *InMemoryRepository, user: User) !u32 {
        var new_user = user; = self.next_id;
        try self.users.put(self.next_id, new_user);
        self.next_id += 1;

    // ... other Repository methods
  1. Verify the implementation at compile time:
// In functions that accept interface implementations:
fn createUser(repo: anytype, name: []const u8, email: []const u8) !User {
    comptime Repository.satisfiedBy(@TypeOf(repo));
    // ... rest of implementation

// Or verify directly:
comptime Repository.satisfiedBy(InMemoryRepository);

Interface Embedding

Interfaces can embed other interfaces to combine their requirements:

const Logger = Interface(.{
    .log = fn(anytype, []const u8) void,
    .getLogLevel = fn(anytype) u8,
}, null);

const Metrics = Interface(.{
    .increment = fn(anytype, []const u8) void,
    .getValue = fn(anytype, []const u8) u64,
}, .{ Logger });  // Embeds Logger interface

// Now implements both Metrics and Logger methods
const MonitoredRepository = Interface(.{
    .create = fn(anytype, User) anyerror!u32,
    .findById = fn(anytype, u32) anyerror!?User,
}, .{ Metrics });

Note: you can embed arbitrarily many interfaces!

Error Reporting

The library provides detailed compile-time errors when implementations don't match:

// Wrong parameter type ([]u8 vs []const u8)
const BadImpl = struct {
    pub fn writeAll(self: @This(), data: []u8) !void {
        _ = self;
        _ = data;

// Results in compile error:
// error: Method 'writeAll' parameter 1 has incorrect type:
//    └─ Expected: []const u8
//    └─ Got: []u8
//       └─ Hint: Consider making the parameter type const

Complex Types

The interface checker supports complex types including:

const ComplexTypes = Interface(.{
    .process = fn(
        struct { config: Config, points: []const DataPoint },
        enum { ready, processing, error },
        []const struct {
            timestamp: i64,
            data: ?[]const DataPoint,
            status: Status,
    ) anyerror!?ProcessingResult,
}, null);


A compile-time interface checker for Zig that enables interface-based design with comprehensive type checking and detailed error reporting.







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