excel input format reader for hadoop
Check the file in src/test/resources/Sample.xlsx for a demo file
- Clone the project in any directory
- Navigate to the directory and use the command 'mvn clean install' to create the required jars.
- Include the jar file ExcelRecordReaderMapReduce-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar in your environment.
You may test the jar using the command hadoop jar ExcelRecordReaderMapReduce-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar input_directory output_directory
After the job has completed, check the output created on HDFS
hadoop fs -cat out/part*
0 Buffet Jimmy Somewhere on the Beach Key West FL
1 Bush George 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington DC
2 Cartman Eric 84 Bigboned Way South Park CO
3 Crockett Davey The Alamo San Antonio TX
4 Doe Jane 821 Zimbabwe Ave DC
5 Gates Bill 1 Microsoft Way Redmond WA