Mock Sock is a virtual puppet theatre that will allow for the user to make shapes of the sock puppet with their hands and it will display the puppet on the screen. The sock design will be molded over their hand and displayed in 2D on the screen. The user will have design options available such sock design, accessories, and background options. They can also add interactive objects such as balls, apple, or cars.
Before running the program, open the folder and change the line with the sys.path.insert to match the path to LeapSDK in your computer and add \lib/x86 or \lib/x64 based on the bit version of your python and computer. To run the program go into the command terminal and navigate to the folder which contains all the files and pictures. Then run the file to start the program. A tkinter window will pop up that displays the graphics. Make sure the leap motion is connected before starting. If the leap motion is connected the frame information will begin to print in the terminal.
Be sure to import Leap, sys, math, thread, pyaudio and shapely properly before running.
Leap can be installed from
Shapely can be installed from pip installing either
- Shapely‑1.6.4.post1‑cp27‑cp27m‑win32.whl
- Shapely‑1.6.4.post1‑cp27‑cp27m‑win_amd64.whl
Based on which windows bit version you are on
To install pyaudio pip install the following
python -m pip install pyaudio
Sys, thread, and math should be built in libraries