The package allows to send token-signed requests to Tinkoff Acquiring API and parse incoming HTTP notifications.
Acquiring API Docs:
go get
Automatically generated documentation can be found here.
Some examples of usage can be found in *_test.go
Provide terminal key and password from terminal settings page.
client := tinkoff.NewClientWithOptions(
// Optional override HTTP client:
// WithHTTPClient(myClient),
// Optional override base Tinkoff Acquiring API URL:
// WithBaseURL(myURL),
Example using gin:
router.POST("/payment/notification/tinkoff", func(c *gin.Context) {
notification, err := client.ParseNotification(c.Request.Body)
if err != nil {
handleInternalError(c, err)
// handle notification, e.g. update payment status in your DB
// response well-formed body back on success. If you don't do this, the bank will send notification again later
c.String(http.StatusOK, client.GetNotificationSuccessResponse())
req := &tinkoff.InitRequest{
Amount: 60000,
OrderID: "123456",
CustomerKey: "123",
Description: "some really useful product",
RedirectDueDate: tinkoff.Time(time.Now().Add(4 * 24 * time.Hour)),
Receipt: &tinkoff.Receipt{
Email: "[email protected]",
Items: []*tinkoff.ReceiptItem{
Price: 60000,
Quantity: "1",
Amount: 60000,
Name: "Product #1",
Tax: tinkoff.VATNone,
Taxation: tinkoff.TaxationUSNIncome,
Payments: &tinkoff.ReceiptPayments{
Electronic: 60000,
Data: map[string]string{
"custom data field 1": "aasd6da78dasd9",
"custom data field 2": "0",
// Set timeout for Init request:
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second*10)
defer cancel()
// Execute:
res, err := client.InitWithContext(ctx, req)
// ...
fmt.Println("payment form url: %s", res.PaymentPageURL)
req := &tinkoff.InitRequest{
Amount: 1000, // минимум 1000 копеек
OrderID: "123456",
Data: map[string]string{"": "",}, // nil - недопустим.
res, err := client.Init(req)
// ...
gqr := &tinkoff.GetQrRequest{
PaymentID: res.PaymentID,
resQR, err := client.GetQRWithContext(ctx, gqr)
req := &tinkoff.CancelRequest{
PaymentID: "66623",
Amount: 60000,
res, err := client.CancelWithContext(ctx, req)
res, err := client.GetStateWithContext(ctx, &tinkoff.GetStateRequest{PaymentID: "3293"})
// ...
if res.Status == tinkoff.StatusConfirmed {
fmt.Println("payment completed")
res, err := client.ConfirmWithContext(ctx, &tinkoff.ConfirmRequest{PaymentID: "3294"})
// ...
if res.Status == tinkoff.StatusConfirmed {
fmt.Println("payment completed")
res, err := c.ResendWithContext(ctx)
// ...
fmt.Println("resend has been scheduled for %d notifications", res.Count)
allows you to implement API requests which are not implemented in this package yet (e.g. when Tinkoff Bank adds new method to API).
Use BaseRequest type to implement any API request:
type myCouponUpgradeRequest struct {
PaymentID string `json:"PaymentId"`
Coupon string `json:"coupon"`
httpResp, err := client.PostRequestWithContext(ctx, &myCouponUpgradeRequest{PaymentID: "3293", Coupon: "whatever"})
The code in this repo based on some code from koorgoo/tinkoff. Differences:
- Support for API v2
- 'reflect' package is not used. Zero dependencies.
- No additional error wrapping
All contributions are welcome! There are plenty of API methods that are not implemented yet due to their rare use-cases:
- FinishAuthorize
- Submit3DSAuthorization
- Charge
- AddCustomer / GetCustomer / RemoveCustomer
- GetCardList / RemoveCard