Release #8: January 31, 2021
What's New
Another updated super early pre-release 5.11 kernel
Based on a much newer version of Fedora Rawhide
Calls now work in/out using Pipewire
Extract the file. tar xf filename.tar.xz
Flash with etcher or dd or whatever you use. dd if=fedora.img of=/dev/<YOUR_SD_CARD>
Expand the partition on your PC, the phone doesn't yet do it automatically on boot.
Quick guide on how to expand a partition in Fedora:
sudo parted /dev/<your_sd_card_device>
(parted) resizepart 2 100%
(parted) quit
sudo resize.f2fs /dev/<the_second_sd_card_PARTITION>
Connect to WiFi using phosh settings.
The default user/pass is pine
SMS, Mobile Data, WiFi
Calls (Audio may require a toggle in Settings -> Sound on first boot)
Most things listed on megi's website .
Not Tested
Not Working
Nothing? Everything? Let me know: Twitter | Telegram | IRC #fedora-phone @ freenode | Matrix | Discord
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