Talk to your garage.
Send commands to your OpenGarage device via Matrix using a client like Element
Human: !og status
Bot: OpenGarage Status:
- Closed
- Vehicle Detected
- Distance: 140 cm
Human: !og click
Bot: Issued click command OpenGarage to My OpenGarage
Bot: Notify: My OpenGarage just OPENED!
- A modern version of Node.js
- A MQTT broker
- A OpenGarage device configured to publish/subscribe to the above MQTT broker on a given topic (defaults to the device's name if not configured)
The bot will talk to the MQTT broker to interact with the OpenGarage device. Therefore no OpenGarage credentials are required.
yarn install
yarn dev
Running as a background process via pm2:
# clone this repo and cd inside of it
yarn install
cp bot-config.sample.json bot-config.json
# configure bot-config.json
yarn global add pm2
pm2 start pm2.config.js
Programatically with javascript/typescript:
yarn add matrix-opengarage-bot
import { startBot } from 'matrix-opengarage-bot';
const config = {
// see bot-config.sample.json
See settings.ts for config descriptions
MQTT notifications are turned on/off via the OpenGarage web ui or mobile app.
This bot is not specific to the OpenGarage device, if another device published/subscribed to the same topics on MQTT it'd work too.