This is a simple implementation of MaskTrack_Box in pytorch.
Compared to conventional semi-supervised video object segmentation methods, MaskTrack_Box requires only a bounding box of the target for video object segmentation.
Althohugh original MaskTrack_Box consists of two models(1. Model extracting a mask from the box 2. Mask propagation model), I simplified these models into one.
- Model is just one, whereas Masktrack_box in the paper consists of two models.
- The deformation method is simplified by imgaug library, running on-the-fly.
- I added fine-tuning code, but this is not necessary to evaluate.
All the code has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04, python3.6, Pytorch0.4.1, CUDA 9.0, GTX TITAN x GPU
- Clone the repository
git clone && cd masktrack_box
- Setup python environment
conda create -n masktrack_box python=3.6
source activate masktrack_box
conda install pytorch=0.4.1 cuda90 -c pytorch
pip install -r requirments.txt
- Download data
cd data
cd ..
and you can download the pre-trained deeplab model from here. Put this in the 'data' folder.
- train the model
cd train
- evaluate the model
cd evaluatation
You can download the trained MaskTrack_Box model from here. Put this in the 'data/snapshots' folder.
Model | DAVIS2016 mean IoU |
Paper (MaskTrack_box) | 69.6 |
This (No fine-tuning) | 65.4 |
The original paper is
author={F. Perazzi and A. Khoreva and R. Benenson and B. Schiele and A.Sorkine-Hornung},
title={Learning Video Object Segmentation from Static Images},
booktitle = {Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
year = {2017}
The original base code is borrowed from
This project is inspired by