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This is a Lovelace card for Home Assistant that can be used to create a time schedule for your smart devices. You can create new rules, modify existing rules and temporarily disable rules.

The card works on top of the scheduler custom component. You will need it this as well.

See it in action:

alt text


click to show installation instructions

HACS installation:

Note: Ensure you have a www folder created as in config/www or the installation will succeed but fails silently

  1. Open the HACS panel in HA and go to the 'Frontend' section.
  2. Search for scheduler-card and click download.
  3. Follow the instructions provided to complete the installation.

Note: Ensure to install and add the integration in order for the scheduler to work properly.

Manual installation:

  1. Download the latest release of scheduler-card.js here and place it into www/scheduler-card.
  2. Follow the instructions here to add the card to HA. Example URL: /local/scheduler-card/scheduler-card.js?v=0.
  3. Add the card in the view where you want it to be shown by editing ui-lovelace.yaml (or use the card editor):
type: custom:scheduler-card


click to show updating instructions

Updating via HACS: HACS should auto-remind you in the HACS tab when an update is available.

Updating manually:

Use git pull for manual installation updates.

Since most browsers will cache the Lovelace card code, you can force a refresh of the browser by editing the entry in the Lovelace resources section, by updating the URL to ?v=(n+1) (where n the current value).


Creating a schedule

Click the button 'add item' in the bottom of the card, to start creating a schedule.

Choosing an entity and action

The card scans the entities in your HA configuration and suitable candidates should automatically show up in this view.

Groups Since HA may contain many entities, the card divides the entities into different groups. Clicking a group automatically will show the entities contained in the group.

The groups that are displayed are depending on your HA configuration. Typically the groups are based on the domain of your entities. If you want to make changes to the groups, you can do this by defining groups configuration.

Entities The entities that you can to control with the scheduler show up here. Clicking a entity automatically will show the actions that you can program for this entity.

Typically an entity is a device in your house, but you can also control an automation, script, input_boolean, etc. You can add all entities that you want to control in the include list.

Actions The actions that you can perform for the selected entity show up here. Typically an action is to either 'turn on' or 'turn off' a device. But some entities have more capabilities. If you are missing an action, you can add it yourself using the customize configuration.

Actions can contain a variable setting (e.g. turn on a lamp at specific brightness, or change the setpoint for a thermostat). These can be defined in the next page.

Choosing the days

After clicking the 'next' button, a new view appears. This view is used for choosing when the schedule should be active.

Choose the days of the week for which the schedule should be active.

Every day the default option. The schedule will perform the action every day at the specified time.

Workdays perform action only on Monday thru Friday. If you have the workday integration installed, you can use it to define your own set of workdays. The workday integration and its settings will be automatically detected if it is installed. Note that if you define holidays, they will be excluded from workdays.

Weekend perform action only on Saturday and Sunday. If you have the workday integration installed, the weekend will be considered as the inverse as workdays. This means that holidays and your 'fixed day off' are included in the weekend setting.

Custom choose your own days. A list with all days of the week appears. You can select one or more days by clicking them.

Choosing the time

The time at which you want schedule to be activated can be set using the time picker.

The time picker shows the current time setting, and features arrow buttons to increase or decrease the hour and minutes. Note that you can infinitely loop through time. The step size for minutes is 10 minutes by default, but can be configured to your preference.

If you have the AM/PM option enabled, 12-hour format will be used. You can click on the button to switch between AM and PM.

Sunrise / sunset mode

If you have the sun integration in HA, a button with sun/moon icon shows up on the right. This is the mode button, which allows you to switch from a fixed time, to time relative to sunrise or sunset.
The card allows you to choose a time that is 2 hours around sunrise or sunset. The button will be disabled if the current time is not in this range.

In sunrise/sunset mode, the time picker will show the offset relative to sunrise/sunset. The time offset is automatically calculated from fixed time. The sunrise/sunrise button will show a sun icon when offset is relative to sunrise, or a moon icon when offset is relative sunset. The before/after button indicates whether the offset is applied in positive direction (so triggers after sunrise/sunset), or in negative direction (before sunrise/sunset). Also here, buttons can be clicked to toggle.

⚠️ Important: What you see is what you get here. If you want to store time as relative to sunrise or sunset, make sure that you have this mode activated when you click the save button.

Creating a time scheme

A time scheme is a more advanced type of schedule, which allows multiple actions during the day through the use of timeslots.


A timeslot defines a time range during which you want an entity to be in a certain state. Every timeslot has a start time and end time, together with an action.

An action defined for a timeslot will normally be executed when the time reaches the starting time of the slot. So in this sense the behaviour is not different compared to a a normal schedule.

But there are differences:

  • If you create (or edit) a new time scheme: the schedule will determine which timeslot is active, and trigger this action immediately.
  • If you enable a disabled time scheme: the schedule will determine which timeslot is active, and trigger this action immediately.
  • If HA is restarted: the schedule will determine which timeslot is active, and trigger this action immediately.
  • If the entity (used in the action) is unavailable when the action needs to be triggered: the schedule will wait for this entity to become available (anything other than unavailable), and then trigger the action. Of course only while the timeslot is active.

After a timeslot has triggered the action, the schedule will wait for the next timeslot. So, you can keep controlling your entity as you want without worrying that the schedule will not re-trigger its action again.

⚠️ Note At the end of the timeslot, there is no action executed. This means that if you turn on a device during a timeslot, you will have to add a second timeslot to turn it off. It is highly recommended (but not required) to assign actions to every timeslot, such that the behaviour for the whole day is defined.

Time scheme editor

The time scheme editor allows you to configure the timeslots of your schedule and visualizes the result.

A time scheme starts at 00:00 and ends at 23:59, so it covers a full day. Depending on the selected days, the schedule continues with the first slot of next day after the last one ended. So usually the first and last slot should have the same action.

Draggable markers The card shows a bar with multiple time markers which you can drag/slide to change the duration of the timeslots. The time step is currently limited to 15 mins intervals.

Selectable timeslots By clicking on a timeslot, it becomes selected and will have highlighted color. When a timeslot is selected, you can assign an action to it.

Divide or merging of timeslots When a timeslot is selected, you can click the '+' or '-' buttons to either divide (split in two) or merge (combine with the next slot)) the selected timeslot.

⚠️ Note Due to the limited width of the Lovelace cards in HA, it might be difficult to make a short timeslot. Since there is not really a way to fix this, it's recommended to use a PC or use your phone on landscape mode when creating a time scheme.

Options panel

The options panel gives you access to additional settings that you can set up for schedules.

The options panel is called the way it is, because all settings here are optional. So it is OK to ignore it if you don't miss any of its functions.

Condition editor

The condition editor allows you to define a set of rules which need to pass before the action may be executed. Conditions are currently limited to checking the state of (other) HA entities (so not their attributes). States may be numeric, on/off or string type. Date/time format is not supported.

The editor allows you to make rules in various ways: logic AND, OR, NOT functions, as well as below and above for numeric states. You can combine multiple entities if needed.

All entities having states configured will show up in the editor. For more information on this, see conditions.

⚠️ Note: Conditions are only evaluated at the time the actions should fire. This means that if the conditions are not met, the timer event will be skipped. It will not be re-evaluated when any of the entities involved in the conditions change.


The period option allows you to define a range of dates (or a single date) for which the schedule needs to be active.

If the period option:

  • is not used, a schedule will repeat on a daily/weekly basis as defined by the days input (unless it is configured to do otherwise via trigger behaviour).
  • Is used, a schedule will only be executed within the defined date range (which may be a single date). This can be combined with days input to provide additional restrictions.

If the combination of the defined end date + time(s) is in the past, the schedule becomes completed. A completed schedule will:

  • Show up with grey text in the scheduler-card in the overview and appears in the bottom of the list with the time to the next triggering in the past.
  • Not perform any actions and needs to be manually editted to become useful again.

Behaviour after completion

The behaviour after completion option can be used to control repetition behaviour of a schedule.

Completion of a schedule is defined as follows:

  • For a normal schedule (having a single time), completion is reached after the configured time has passed (and after the corresponding action(s) have been executed).
  • For a time scheme (having one or more timeslots), completion is reached after the last timeslot has passed.
  • In case a period is assigned to a schedule, completion is reached when the configured time (or last timeslot) on the end date has passed. In this case the repeat option is not available (for more info see period).
Selected Option Behaviour
Repeat (default) Schedule will repeat again on the next allowed day (as defined by the days).
Stop Schedule will disable (turn off) itself after completion.
It has to be re-enabled by the user or through automation in order to repeat.
Delete Schedule will remove itself after completion.


By default, all schedules will have an automatically generated entity ID and friendly name. This means they could be hard to find back in the entity registry.

By defining your own friendly name, this will assigned to the entity, and the entity ID of the entity will be based on this name as well. If you leave the field empty, the automatically generated name shall be used instead.


The configuration of the card can be done via the UI editor or in YAML. Some (advanced) configuration options (such as customize) are YAML-only currently.

Configuration is not necessary, except for defining a set of entities which you want to control with the card, which is done via include.


Name Type Default Description
type string Required custom:scheduler-card
standard_configuration boolean true Use the standard configuration as a base configuration.
discover_existing boolean true Show previously created schedules in the card, also if the related entities are not included in the configuration.
Set to false if you have multiple scheduler-cards.
See schedule discovery for more info.
include list none List of filters to determine which HA entities are available for creating schedules.
See include for more info.
exclude list none List of filters to determine which HA entities are not available for creating schedules.
See exclude for more info.
groups list none Organize the entities menu.
See groups for more info.
customize dictionary none Customize the available actions or visualization of entities.
See customize for more info.
title boolean/string true Provide a text to replace the title of the card.
Set to false to hide the title.
time_step number 10 Set the time step (in minutes) for the time picker
sort_by string/list relative-time,
Order in which schedules appear in the list. Choose from:
  • relative-time: duration until next task
  • title: displayed primary info
  • state: enabled/disabled status
Note that state currently is the only option which can be combined with a second option..
show_header_toggle boolean false Show a switch at the top of the card that can be used to enable/disable the complete list.
show_add_button boolean true Show button for creating new schedules.
display_options dictionary none Configure which properties are displayed in the overview.
See display options for more info.
tags string/list none Filter schedules on one or more tags.
See tags for more info.
exclude_tags string/list none Eliminate items from the schedules filtered by tags.
See tags for more info.

Standard configuration

The card includes a standard configuration. It is intended to make setting up the card easy. The standard configuration consists of the following features:

  • Discovery of devices (entities) of various types in your HA config and making them available for creating schedules
  • Defining actions per entity based on their capabilities
  • Icons for groups, entities and actions

When including an entity, the standard configuration will automatically detect which actions are supported by it, and will make these available. Also it has icons for most entity types and actions.

⚠️ Warning: You can provide standard_configuration:false in the card configuration to disable it completely for full control. If so, you will need to configure all actions and properties via customize.

Adding entities


The include configuration allows you to pick entities from your HA config that you can use for creating schedules.

You can either provide the full entity_id of the entities, or only the domain.

The list supports wildcards (*) as well. It is recommended to use quotes ("") around your input, else it may be wrongly interpreted.


  - climate.my_thermostat # include an individual entity
  - light # include all light entities
  - "*garden*" # include all entities containing the word 'garden'


The exclude configuration allows you to remove entities from your HA config from appearing in the scheduler.

The exclude list works on top of the include list, so it behaves like 'ADD (includes) EXCEPT (excludes)'.

Like with include, you can either provide the full entity_id of the entities, or the domain, or use wildcards.

  - light # include all light entities
  - light.my_light_that_i_never_use # exclude


The groups configuration provides the capability of organizing the entities. To be clear, they have nothing to do with the group integration in Home Assistant.

By default, entities will be grouped based on their type (domain). Entities that are assigned to your own defined group will not be grouped by type.

Name Type Default Description
name string (same as group_id) Displayed name for group
icon string none Displayed icon for group
include list none List of filters to determine which of the entities belong in this group.
This has the same functionality as the include filter for defining the entities in the card.
exclude list none List of filters to determine which of the entities do not belong in this group.
This has the same functionality as the exclude filter for defining the entities in the card.


Place all light entities in group labelled "lighting"

  - name: "Lighting"
    icon: "hass:ceiling-light"
      - light


groups example

Schedule discovery

The card checks for the created schedules in your HA config and show them in the overview page.

The schedule discovery is a feature that will ensure that all your schedules will be there.

What is the benefit of this feature?

It could occur that you make changes in the configuration, resulting in previously created schedules to become hidden. For example, you made a schedule for controlling a fan. The day after you decide to remove the fan domain from the card. But you forgot to delete the previously created schedule.

Without the discovery, you now have a schedule that is hidden from the card, but will keep running. You cannot remove or change it anymore (unless via the HA configuration panel).

Discovery makes sure that you will always find it back in the card. The feature can be turned on/off through the discover_existing option.

For your protection, it is enabled by default.

⚠️ Tip: You should set discover_existing:false if you want to use multiple cards. Else you will see each created schedule in every card.


With the customize configuration you can specify configuration for specific HA entities.

⚠️ Tip: You can use entities configuration in combination with the standard configuration. The configurations will be merged.


Name Type Default Description
entity key Required Entity id (or filter).
Filter works the same as include so you can also use it for multiple entities.
actions list none See actions
name string (take from HA config) Displayed name for entity
icon string (take from HA config) Displayed icon for entity
states list or map none Possible states of this entities, for using it in a condition.
See conditions for more info.
exclude_actions list none Hide actions from the card.
Enter a list with names of actions to hide as they displayed in the card (including translation).
E.g. 'turn on at 40%' would hide the created action from the example below.


An action defines what needs to be done when a schedule timer expires.

An action is similar to a service call in HA. It requires a service with optionally additional parameters given by service_data.

Actions are linked to their entities, so the entity ID is sent together with the service call, it is not needed to add it to the service_data).

Name Type Default Description
service string Required Service to be executed
service_data map none Additional parameters to use for the service call
variables map none Add variables. See action variable
name string (same as service) Displayed name for action
icon string "flash" Displayed icon for action

⚠️ Note: Templates (jinja code) are not supported at this point.


Adding an action to turn on a light with 40% brightness

    name: "Dining light"
    icon: "hass:ceiling-light"
      - service: turn_on
          brightness: 100 # note that brightness is from 0-255 so 100 = 40%
        name: "Turn on at 40%"
        icon: "hass:lightbulb-on-outline"


customize example

Customizing actions from standard configuration

How actions in customize are processed:

  • If the action matches with a previously defined action, your action will replace the default action.
  • If the action does not match with an existing action, the card will create a new action.

Actions are compared based on matching service and service_data (note that variables are not considered).

⚠️ Note: If a match is found, your action will replace (and not modify) the default action.
This means that you are expected to (re-)define name, icon, and variable configuration.

Numeric action variable

Some devices allow to operate on a variable working point. For example lights can be dimmed with a brightness, fans can spin at a speed etc.

By providing an action variable, the card allows you to choose the setting you want to apply with the action.

Name Type Default Description
field map Required field name in the service_data that is represented by this variable
    name string same as field Name under which the variable is visible in the card
    unit string " " Displayed unit
    min number Required Minimum value that can be set. If not provided, it will be read from the entity attributes.
    max number Required Maximum value that can be set. If not provided, it will be read from the entity attributes.
    step number Optional Step size
    scale_factor number Optional Scale factor to apply when calling service.
E.g. scale_factor for brightness of a light is set to 2.55, since it is defined in HA in range 0-255, while the card displays 0-100.
    optional boolean false Setting the variable is optional, the action can also be executed without this variable.
If optional:true is provided, a checkbox will be shown that needs to be selected to apply the variable


The Xiaomi Air Purifier can be controlled using the Xiaomi Miio integration. To be able to set the speed of this device in your action, you can use:

      - service: xiaomi_miio.fan_set_favorite_level
        name: "set speed"
            name: "Speed"
            min: 1
            max: 16

You can now select the speed for this action in the schedule editor:

action variable example

List action variable

With some actions, you can provide an option from a limited list of options. For example, setting the value of an input_select, but also the operation mode of a thermostat.

By providing the list variable, the card allows you to choose the option when you set up the action.

Name Type Default Description
field map Required field name in the service_data that is represented by this variable
    name string same as field Name under which the variable is visible in the card
    options list Required List of options to choose from
        value string Required Option value (which is passed with together with the field as service_data)
        name string same as value Name to show for the option
        icon string none Icon to show with the option


Setting the operation mode of a thermostat.

Note that this configuration will already be set up when using standard configuration.

    name: My thermostat
    icon: thermometer
      - service: set_hvac_mode
        name: Set mode
        icon: "hass:settings"
            name: Operation mode
              - value: heat
                icon: "hass:fire"
              - value: cool
                icon: "hass:snowflake"
              - value: "off"
                icon: "hass:power"

Now the list of options become visible when you set up the action:

action variable example


If you want to use a specific entity as a condition in a schedule, this can be configured by defining it in customize as well.

To do so, you will need to tell the card which states the entity can have, which is done using the states parameter.

There are two options for this:

  1. Define a list of possible states
  2. Define a numeric range for the state

If an entity has its states defined, it will automatically show up when creating a condition.

Example of defining a state list:

    states: ['on','off']

Example of defining a numeric range:

    states: {min: 0, max: 100, step: 1, unit: '%'}

Display options

From v1.9.0, it is possible to configure what is displayed in the overview list. By default, the card will display the entity + action on the first line, and on the second line the remaining time until the schedule will be triggered. For timeslots, there will be a display of the extra actions.

⚠️ Note: This is a YAML-only feature currently, Not available in the UI editor.

Supported options for display_options:

Name Type Default Description
primary_info string or list - "{entity}: {action}"
- additional-tasks
Displayed text on the first line.
Choose from the properties below.
secondary_info string or list relative-time Displayed text on the second line
Choose from the properties below.
icon string "action" Choose which icon is displayed (action or entity)

For creating multiple lines, enter a list of multiple properties. Empty items will be automatically skipped.

For combining multiple properties in a single line, use wildcards (with property in brackets). Make sure to wrap your text in quotes.

⚠️ Pro-tip: You can use HTML for formatting the lines. So for example: <b>{entity}</b> will print the name in bold text.

The following properties are available:

Name Description
name Friendly name of the schedule (as configured in the 'options' panel)
Only if a custom name is defined (the generated ID will not be displayed).
entity Friendly name of the entity which is involved in the action.
action Description of the action that will be executed when the timer is expired.1
relative-time Duration until the schedule is triggered (if the schedule is enabled).1
time Configured time for the schedule.1
days Configured days for the schedule.
additional-tasks The amount of remaining tasks/actions (other than the displayed one).
Only for time schemes, otherwise this property is skipped.
tags Show tags assigned to schedule. See tags.

1 For time schemes, the displayed value corresponds to the closest timeslot.

Example (this is actually the default format):

    - "{entity}: {action}"
    - additional-tasks
  secondary_info: relative-time
  icon: "hass:action"


If you want to use multiple scheduler-cards in your Lovelace dashboard, it can be difficult to separate the schedules which show up in each card (with include you can only control which entities are controlled by which cards). With tags you can filter out schedules and assign them to their own cards.

To start using tags, edit the card configuration and assign tags to the scheduler card.


type: custom:scheduler-card of card configuration
tags: holiday

The effect of assigning tags:

  • Only schedules with a matching tag will show up (unless discover_existing is set to true.
  • All schedules created with this card will be automatically assigned with this tag.
  • You can modify tags of a schedule by clicking 'Options' when editing/creating a schedule.


  • You can also assign multiple tags to the card. In this case they will not be automatically applied to newly created (you should choose this via 'options').
  • You can also assign multiple tags to a schedule. This allows you to make them appear in multiple cards (each with card having its own tag).
  • You can assign tags: none to a card if you want to have only schedules without a tag showing up here.
  • You can assign tags: enabled or tags: disabled to a card if you want to include (respectively) all enabled or disabled schedules.
  • The option to assign tags on schedules is only available on cards which have the tags option set.

⚠️ Tip: If you want to start using tags you will have to go through your current schedules and assign them with tags. You can temporarily set discover_existing: true to make also schedules accessible which don't have the correct tag (yet). You can also make the tags for schedules show up in the overview through display_options.

Example usage:

Consider the following situation:

  • Card A should contain all normal (everyday) schedules.
  • Card B should contain only holiday schedules.
  • The normal schedules contain tasks to turn on the garden lights at 19:00 and turn them off again at 23:00.
  • The holiday schedules contain tasks to turn on the dining lights at 17:00 and turn them off again at 22:00.

Since both cards have the light domain included, the created schedules would normally show up in both cards, which is not desirable.

Now by assigning tags to the card configurations, you can filter them.

Config for card A:

type: custom:scheduler-card
title: Normal schedule of card configuration
tags: none

Config for card B:

type: custom:scheduler-card
title: Holiday schedule of card configuration
tags: holiday


tags example

Excluding tags

For more advanced filtering it is possible to define exclude_tags to the card.

The tag or tags defined in exclude_tags will be used to hide schedules from a card.

The exclude_tags function works on top of the tags function, so you can eliminate schedules from the ones which are included via tags.

Example use-case

  • All schedules for the holiday program are assigned with tag holiday.
  • All schedules which occur in the weekend are assigned with tag weekend.
  • By assigning tags: weekend and exlude_tags: holiday only the weekend schedules which are not part of the holiday program will be shown.


The card is available in multiple languages. The card will automatically detect the appropriate translation based on the language setting for your user account in HA.

Currently the following languages are supported:

Language Code(s) Status / Remarks
Čeština cs
Deutsch de
English en Default language.
Eesti et
Español es, es_419
Français fr
עִברִית he
Italiano it
Latviešu lv
Magyar hu
Polski pl
Português pt, pt-br
Русский ru
Română ro
Slovenščina sl
Slovenský sk
Suomalainen fi
Nederlands nl
Norsk no, nb, nn
简体中文 zh-Hans

The translations are maintained by users. If you are missing a translation, or a translation needs to be improved, please contribute. Take the english file as a starting point.

Tips & Tricks

Triggering multiple actions on a schedule

The scheduler-card can only be used to create schedules to trigger a single action at a certain point in time.

Recently, support has been added to trigger an action on a group and for targeting multiple entities for the action (but they have to be of the same type).

If you want to trigger a sequence of actions (e.g. "set fan mode + temperature setpoint for my airconditioner"), the recommended way to do so, is by creating a script. Scripts can be combined with variables to pass some settings which can be configured through the card.


Setting fan mode + heating/cooling to a certain temperature.

scheduler-card configuration:

(note that customize is only available in YAML editing mode):

      - service: script.set_climate_livingroom
        name: Set climate
        icon: mdi:air-conditioner
            name: HVAC mode
              - value: heat
                icon: mdi:fire
              - value: cool
                icon: mdi:snowflake
              - value: 'off'
                icon: mdi:power
            name: Temperature
            min: 12
            max: 30
            name: Fan mode
              - value: auto
                icon: mdi:fan-auto
              - value: high
                icon: mdi:fan-speed-3
              - value: quiet
                icon: mdi:fan-speed-1

In scripts.yaml:

  alias: Set climate livingroom
  description: "Sets climate parameters for scheduler-card"
    target_entity: climate.my_airconditioner
    - service: climate.set_temperature
        temperature: "{{ temperature }}" # match with variable in the card config
        entity_id: "{{ target_entity }}"
    - delay: # wait a bit, otherwise the next service call may fail
        seconds: 1
    - service: climate.set_fan_mode
        entity_id: "{{ target_entity }}"
        fan_mode: "{{ fan_mode }}" # match with variable in the card config
    - delay: # wait a bit, otherwise the next service call may fail
        seconds: 1
    - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
        entity_id: "{{ target_entity }}"
        hvac_mode: "{{ hvac_mode }}" # match with variable in the card config
  mode: single
  icon: mdi:air-conditioner

Customizing built-in actions

Out of the box, scheduler looks at the properties of your HA entities to show the correct actions in the card. In 99% of the cases this gives the right behaviour, but exceptions are always possible. To overcome this, scheduler allows overwriting the built-in actions by your own ones.


The Tuya TS0601 Zigbee TRV has operation modes off, heat, auto. The Scheduler Card will show an action heat, which sets the temperature to the desired level and sets the mode to heat. However, in mode heat the TS0601 will remain continuously heating, i.e. it does not regulate to the desired temperature. Instead, the heat action needs to be modified to use mode auto instead (in which it does properly regulate temperature).

This can be done via customize as follows:

      - heat       # hide the built-in action to avoid duplicates
      - set mode   # we won't use this
      - set preset # we won't use this
    actions:       # add the custom actions
      - service: set_temperature
          hvac_mode: auto
            min: 10
            max: 25
            step: 0.5
            unit: '°C'
        icon: 'hass:fire'
        name: "heat[ to {temperature}]" # replace with local translation for 'heat' and 'to' if desired


If you have an issue with this card, please report it here.

Checking card version

To check which version of the card is currently active, consult the browser console logs. The browser console logs can only be accessed via a PC (so not via phone or tablet).

Here's an excellent guide on how to access the console logs for various browsers.

With the console logs open, access the HA dashboard containing the the scheduler card. In the console log you should see a badge with the version that is currently active, similar to this:

In case this version does not match with the version which is installed, your browser is holding an older version of the card in its cache. HA uses aggressive caching of the frontend, this has nothing to do with the card.

Potential ways to solve this:

  • In HACS, after installing/updating the card you are asked if you want to reload your browser (and yes, you do). You can also look for the existing installation of scheduler card (under Frontend) and choose redownload (in the top right menu) to get the option again.
  • Do a force refresh of the page: On windows you can do CTRL + F5 and on Apple hold down ⌘ Cmd and ⇧ Shift key and then press R.
  • Clear the browser cache: here's a good guide on how to do this on various browsers.

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