The Open Images Dataset is a dataset made by Google that provides more than 15 million boxes in 600 categories (more than 6,000 in the crowdsourced extended version). These annotations contain both detection boxes and segmentation. We may not need to download all classes to solve our detection task so it's a good idea to only get those classes that you really care about and avoid getting the whole dataset (+500Gb). There's a very cool repo that does exactly that OIDv4_ToolKit but for now it's limited to V4 of the dataset (does not contain segmentation annotations). In order for us to train the model, we need to convert the data from OID to Pascal VOC (or MS-COCO).
Clone the OIDv4_ToolKit
!git clone
cd into OIDv4_ToolKit
and run python3 downloader --classes {class} --type_csv all
!cd OIDv4_ToolKit && python3 downloader --classes Coin --type_csv all -y
We need to download extra files and place them in ~/OIDv4_ToolKit/OID/csv_folder
(source)from the OIDv4_ToolKit
root directory.
The script will create directories called To_PASCAL_XML (similar to the Label directories) in the Dataset Subdirectories. These directories contain the XML files. You need to download the Images and generate ToolKit-Style-Labels via the OIDv4_ToolKit before using this script.
!cd OIDv4_ToolKit && python
path_to_OID = Path.cwd()/'object-detection/OIDv4_ToolKit/OID/'
image_sets = path_to_OID/'VOC_ROOT/VOC2012/ImageSets/Main'
jpeg_images = path_to_OID/'VOC_ROOT/VOC2012/JPEGImages'
annotations = path_to_OID/'VOC_ROOT/VOC2012/Annotations'
image_sets.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
jpeg_images.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
annotations.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for split in ['train','test','val']:
list_images, list_xml = [],[]
list_images = [x for x in (path_to_OID/f'Dataset/{split}/Coin').glob('*.jpg')]
list_xml = [x for x in (path_to_OID/f'Dataset/{split}/Coin/To_PASCAL_XML').glob('*.xml')]
with open(image_sets/f'{split}.txt', 'w') as f:
for item in list_images:
f.write("%s\n" % item.stem)
for item in list_images:
shutil.copyfile(item, jpeg_images/f'{}')
for item in list_xml:
shutil.copyfile(item, annotations/f'{}')
with open(image_sets/'trainval.txt', 'wb') as wfd:
for f in [image_sets/'train.txt',image_sets/'val.txt']:
with open(f,'rb') as fd:
shutil.copyfileobj(fd, wfd)
The training with PASCAL VOC datasets need the class names to be in lower case in the XML so we are going to replace them in all files inside VOC_ROOT/VOC2012/Annotations
!find ./ -type f -exec sed -i 's/Coin/coin/' {} \;
Git clone the following SSD implementation in PyTorch:
git clone
cd SSD
#Required packages
pip install torch torchvision yacs tqdm opencv-python vizer
We need to edit the configuration file (.yaml): ie. vgg_ssd300_voc0712.yaml
or efficient_net_b3_ssd300_voc0712.yaml
and change NUM_CLASSES:
from 21 to 2.
We now edit ./SSD/ssd/data/datasets/
and change:
class_names = ('__background__',
'aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat',
'bottle', 'bus', 'car', 'cat', 'chair',
'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse',
'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant',
'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor')
class_names = ('__background__','coin')
We can start training with:
# for example, train SSD300:
!python --config-file configs/vgg_ssd300_voc0712.yaml --use_tensorboard 0
Look at the demo.ipynb
- Convert SSD to
- Convert SSD to