buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.nicholasworkshop:gradle-artifactid:1.0.0'
classpath 'com.nicholasworkshop:gradle-publish:1.0.0'
apply plugin: 'com.nicholasworkshop.artifactid'
apply plugin: 'com.nicholasworkshop.publish'
id 'artifactId'
group 'com.domain.name'
version '1.0.0'
publish {
projectName 'projectName'
projectUrl 'projectUrl'
developerId 'johndoe'
developerName 'John Doe'
licenses 'mit', 'apache-2.0' // see https://developer.github.com/v3/licenses
mavenTargets {
bintray; sonatype
Put your username & password in gradle.properties
and keep them ignored.
publish.maven.bintray.password=<API_KEY> // bintray use apiKey as password
publish.maven.bintray.packageName=<PACKAGE_NAME> // bintray maven requires package name (see your bintray dashboard)
There are some pre-defined maven targets with following info. They will be automatically applied if the specific target names are used.
Target | Id | Repository URL | Snapshot Repository URL |
bintray jcenter |
bintray-<USERNAME> -maven |
https://api.bintray.com/maven/<USERNAME> /maven/<PACKAGE_NAME> |
https://oss.jfrog.org/artifactory/list/oss-snapshot-local |
jfrog | bintray-<USERNAME> -maven |
https://oss.jfrog.org/artifactory/list/oss-release-local | https://oss.jfrog.org/artifactory/list/oss-snapshot-local |
sonatype | https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2 | https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots |
You can either put your maven information in your gradle.properties or build.gradle
(not recommended).
publish {
mavenTargets {
sonatype {
url 'releaseUrl'
id 'id'
username 'username'
password 'password'
snapshotUrl 'snapshotUrl'
snapshotId 'id'
snapshotUsername 'username'
snapshotPassword 'password'
By default your will be asked to confirm (in terminal or a dialog) when you want to publish release build, this is a precaution for any unintended release.
> Sure to deploy as release? (yes/no)
You can turn it off by adding this in the option.
publish {
releaseConfirm false
Task | Description |
install | Install the project archive into local maven |
publish<MavenTargetName> publishBintray publishSonatype |
Publish to the maven target defined, and will not generate if -SNAPSHOT is already in version |
publish<MavenTargetName> SnapshotpublishBintraySnapshot publishSonatypeSnapshot |
Publish to the maven snapshot target defined |
Please use keys defined by Github
Signing is off by default. Enable it with:
signing true
Follow these tutorials to generate PGP keys http://central.sonatype.org/pages/working-with-pgp-signatures.html http://blog.sonatype.com/2010/01/how-to-generate-pgp-signatures-with-maven
After that, add the following to gradle.properties (with your confidential info)
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.nicholasworkshop:gradle-publish:1.0.0'
apply plugin: 'com.nicholasworkshop.publish'
publish {
// basicInfo
id 'id' // project.ext.artifactId will be used if null
group 'group' // project.group will be used if null
version 'version' // project.version will be used if null
// project
projectName 'projectName'
projectUrl 'projectUrl'
projectDescription 'projectDescription'
projectPackaging 'projectPackaging'
// scm
scmUrl 'scmUrl' // projectUrl will be used if null
scmConnection 'scmConnection'
scmDeveloperConnection 'scmDeveloperConnection'
// developer
developerId 'developerId'
developerName 'developerName'
// licenses, see https://developer.github.com/v3/licenses
licenses 'mit', 'apache-2.0'
// other options
signing true // default false
releaseConfirm false // default true
// mavens
mavenTargets {
sonatype {
url 'releaseUrl'
username 'username'
password 'password'
snapshotUrl 'snapshotUrl' // url will be used if null
snapshotUsername 'username' // username will be used if nul
snapshotPassword 'password' // password will be used if nul
bintray { // any null info will be replaced by publish.maven.bintray.* from gradle.properties
url 'releaseUrl'
id 'id' // "bintray-$username-maven" will be used if null
packageName 'package' // project.id will be used if null (since v1.0.1)
username 'username'
password 'password'
snapshotUrl 'snapshotUrl' // url will be used if null
snapshotId 'id' // id will be used if null
snapshotPackageName 'package' // packageName will be used if null
snapshotUsername 'username' // username will be used if nul
snapshotPassword 'password' // password will be used if nul
jcenter { // any null info will be replaced by publish.maven.jcenter.* from gradle.properties
url 'releaseUrl'
id 'id' // "bintray-$username-maven" will be used if null
packageName 'package' // project.id will be used if null (since v1.0.1)
username 'username'
password 'password'
snapshotUrl 'snapshotUrl' // url will be used if null
snapshotId 'id' // id will be used if null
snapshotPackageName 'package' // packageName will be used if null
snapshotUsername 'username' // username will be used if nul
snapshotPassword 'password' // password will be used if nul
custom { // any null info will be replaced by publish.maven.<target_name>.* from gradle.properties
url 'releaseUrl'
id 'id' // so far only bintray and jcenter need this
packageName 'package' // so far only bintray and jcenter need this
username 'username'
password 'password'
snapshotUrl 'snapshotUrl' // url will be used if null
snapshotId 'id' // id will be used if null
snapshotPackageName 'package' // packageName will be used if null
snapshotUsername 'username' // username will be used if nul
snapshotPassword 'password' // password will be used if nul