A very optimized version of Github Action that does the job fast.
Only the binary will be downloaded so it is super fast, it will be used immediately after downloading and installing, the whole process is just ~17s.
Nothing is needed to config, after the first run the firebase tools will be cached and reused the next time. Version checking will be executed automatically so it will be updated on next run as well.
Add the following step to your workflow.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: nickwph/firebase-app-distribution-action@v1
file: app-debug.apk
app: ${{ secrets.FIREBASE_APP_ID }}
credentials: ${{ secrets.FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS }}
credentials-file: ${{ secrets.FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS_FILE }} # Optional: This is ignored if credentials is defined.
release-notes: "" # Optional
release-notes-file: "" # Optional
testers: "" # Optional
testers-file: "" # Optional
groups: "" # Optional
groups-file: "" # Optional
debug: false # Optional: Default false. A flag you can include to print verbose log output.
cache: true # Optional: Default true. Whether to cache the firebase tools for next job, keeping this "true" will speed up the build.
upgrade: true # Optional: Default true. Whether to attempt to upgrade firebase tools when cache is "true", turning this "false" will speed up the build.
token: ${{ secrets.FIREBASE_TOKEN }} # Deprecated
According to Google, we have to start using service account for authenticating with Firebase.
To get the credentials you can go to your Firebase project -> Project settings -> Service account -> Generate new private key.
And then make sure in Google Cloud IAM, the user "firebase-adminsdk" has the permission "Firebase App Distribution Admin SDK Service Agent".
Extract the content of the file and configure it as action secret FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS
, use it on the parameter credentials
. This action will set up the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
for you.
credentials: ${{ secrets.FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS }}
Check in the credentials file in the project and configure it's path as action secret FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS_FILE
, use it on the parameter credentials-file
. This action will set up the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
for you.
credentials-file: ${{ secrets.FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS_FILE }}
- Currently only works on linux (including macos)