This is an example where multiple files can be uploaded through the command line. A table is displayed with the current state of the files (processing, processed). Ctrl-C will exit but if the files have been uploaded, they will still be processed by the ElevateAI platform.
A config.json is needed to define two parameters: api_token and api_url. The api_url in config.json.sample does not need to be changed currently.
This app was made using the sample.wav and sample2.wav as the test audio files.
Here are the steps to run the example.
git clone --recursive
cd elevate-python-command-line-upload-example
Copy config.json.sample to config.json and replace the api_key. If you don't have an API key, visit the ElevateAI website.
To upload individual files:
python -f sample.wav sample2.wav
To upload all files in a directory
python -d input_dir
Visit the dashboard to check if the files have been uploaded and their current state.
Build the image
docker build -t elevateai:latest .
Place the audio files in a directory. Pass in the audio files directory and config.json.
Use the following to either run the build above or pull from Docker Hub:
docker run --tty --rm --name elevateai \
--volume $PWD/config.json:/usr/elevateai/config.json \
--volume $PWD/input:/usr/elevateai/input elevateai:latest