- 🔭 I’m currently working on finding a new remote job opportunity as a Software engineer.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning about new web development technologies and frameworks to stay up-to-date with the industry.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any project related to web development, mobile app development, or UX/UI design.
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with finding a new remote job opportunity.
- 💬 Ask me about my experience with full-stack web development, mobile app development, or my proficiency with various programming languages and frameworks.
class DidierHernandez(self): self.username = 'didierh' self.name = 'Didierh' self.web = 'https://didierhm.wordpress.com' self.resume = 'https://didierhm.wordpress.com/profile' #Get in touch for Password. self.twitter = '@nick2474' self.linkedin = 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/didier-hernandez/' self.source = { 'born': ['Costa Rica'], 'I have lived': ['Miami FL'], 'Where I live': ['Costa Rica'], }, self.studies = { 'Studied': ['Information Systems Engineering','ULACIT'], }, self.architecture = ['MVC', 'microservices'], self.code = { 'erp': ['Odoo'], 'frontend': ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript', 'Bootstrap','React','Vue'], 'backend': ['Python', 'PHP', 'Laravel', 'Flask','Node.Js','Express','Oracle', 'Informix'], 'database': ['MySQL', 'PostgreSQL', 'MongoDB','Oracle','SQLServer'], 'devops': ['Docker', 'Jenkins'], 'cloudprovider': ['Digital Ocean','Hetzner', 'AWS', 'Google'], 'tools': ['GIT', 'GitHub', 'Bitbucket', 'Jira'], 'ides': ['Visual Studio Code', 'PyCharm','SublimeText','Xcode','Eclipse','Android Studio'], 'misc': ['Firebase', 'SCRUM', 'GNU/Linux', 'Android','IOS','Ionic Framework'] }, self.projects = { 'repos': ['https://github.com/nick2474?tab=repositories'] }, self.languages{ 'tools':['PHP','C#','Linux','ReactJS','AngulaJS','Oracle', 'Ruby on Rail', 'Umbraco','NodeJS','Pyton','Ionic Framework', 'Flutter','Java','SpringFramework','Figma','and more..'] }def str(self): return self.name
if name == 'main': me = Didierh()