- used branches
- used merges
- tried out Gitflow
SonarQube (test coverage tried with Jacoco but did not work)
- see project structure
- see any Class
- e.g. by using streams (see e.g. addUserToList)
- see entity classes or services
- see this Enum
- e.g. using SpringBoot
- see services ( e.g. ItemListService)
- see tests
- multi-module
- calls tests automatically
- generated API docs with springdoc-openapi-ui as YAML (Maven dependency)
- ListItemRepositoryTest
- Endpoint Tests - Overview (manual via Postman)
- Endpoint Test - registerUser (POST) (manual via Postman)
Used Jenkins and a pipeline to build from Github on a local server with a Jenkins file.
Favorite shortcuts (using old Eclipse keymap):
- Ctrl+Space - Autocomplete (of course)
- Ctrl+Shift+Space - QuickDoc
- Alt+Shift+R - Refactor
- Ctrl+Shift+F - Auto-Format
- Ctrl+Shift+N - Generate Getter/Setter, Constructor etc. (custom)
(mostly) side effect free functions & the use of higher-order functions & functions as parameters and return values & use closures / anonymous functions:
(annotated with // functional programming example)
only final data structures:
- example 3 (e.g. constructor parameters)
next features to be added:
- user authentication
- frontend