djm34 2017-2018
donation addresses:
BTC: 1NENYmxwZGHsKFmyjTc5WferTn5VTFb7Ze
XZC: aChWVb8CpgajadpLmiwDZvZaKizQgHxfh5
Based on Christian Buchner's & Christian H.'s CUDA project and tpruvot@github.
Required: msvc2015 and cuda 9.x (cuda 9.2 prefered) Dependencies for windows are included in compat directory, using a different version of msvc will most likely require to recompile those libraries.
In order to build ccminer, choose "Release" and "x64" (this version won't work with win32) Then click "generate"
A developpement environnement is required together with curl, jansson and openssl
* sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade
* sudo apt-get -y install gcc g++ build-essential automake linux-headers-$(uname -r) git gawk libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev xorg libc++-dev libgmp-dev python-dev
* Installing CUDA 9.2 and compatible drivers from nvidia website and not from ubuntu package is usually easier
* Compiling ccminner:
This project requires some libraries to be built :
OpenSSL (prebuilt for win)
Curl (prebuilt for win)
pthreads (prebuilt for win)
The tree now contains recent prebuilt openssl and curl .lib for both x86 and x64 platforms (windows).
To rebuild them, you need to clone this repository and its submodules : git clone compat/curl-for-windows
mtp requires 4Gb of vram, hence cards with less than 4.5Gb of vram won't work. while running, ccminer will also use around 5.5Gb of ram. For the moment, ccminer, support only one vga per instance, to run of several gpus, it is then required to run one ccminer instance by gpu.
Instruction to mine on zcoin wallet (example)
command line structure
ccminer -a mtp -o -u rpcuser -p rpcpassword --coinbase-addr zcoin-address --device card-number/name --no-getwork --no-longpoll
Example (RUN-ZCOIN-MTP.cmd)
ccminer -a mtp -o -u djm34 -p password --coinbase-addr aChWVb8CpgajadpLmiwDZvZaKizQgHxfh5 -d 1080 --no-getwork --no-longpoll
zcoin wallet should also be run with "server=1" option and "rpcport,rpcuser,rpcpassword" should match those of zcoin.conf
NB: For the moment, the intensity is not adjustable, this project is still in developpement, this will be changed in the near future