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⚛️Modern routing for React applications.

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⚛️ React-Location is a modern Router for React

It's been built with the following considerations in mind:

  • Clean and clear routing syntax
  • Familiar API for productivity
  • Functional query params & URL parsing
  • Complex Link generation
  • Relative Routing + Links
  • Both Colocated or Nested Route structure
  • Programmatic Navigation
  • Hooks
  • Support for URL or in-memory location sources

Get Started

NOTE: React-Location requires React Hooks. Please verify you are using a version of React that supports them.

  1. Install react-location
# React-Location is currently in beta, please use the @next tag to install the latest beta version

yarn add react-location@next
# or
npm i -s react-location@next
  1. Import and use react-location
import { React } from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { LocationProvider, Match, MatchFirst, Link } from "react-location";

      <Link to="/">Home</Link>
      <Link to="dashboard">Dashboard</Link>
      <Link to="invoices">Invoices</Link>
      <Match path="/">
        <div>This is Home</div>
      <Match path="dashboard">
        <div>This is the Dashboard</div>
      <Match path="invoices">
          <Match path="/">
                <Link to="new">New Invoice</Link>
                <Link to="1">Invoice 1</Link>
                <Link to="2">Invoice 2</Link>
                <Link to="3">Invoice 3</Link>
          <Match path="new">
            <Link to="..">Back</Link>
            <div>This is a new invoice!</div>
          <Match path=":invoiceID">
            {({ params }) => (
                <Link to="..">Back</Link>
                This is invoice #{params.invoiceID}

Table of Contents



Required: true

The LocationProvider component is the root Provider component for react-location in your app. Render it at least once in the highest sensible location within your application. You can also use this component to preserve multiple location instances in the react tree at the same, which is useful for things like route animations or location mocking.

Prop Required Description
history false The history object to be used internally by react-location
basepath false The basepath prefix for all URLs (not-supported for memory source histories)
location false A custom location to use instead of creating a new one. If a location is passed here, all other props will be ignored and will be inherited from the custom location instead. This useful for things like animation or preserving multiple locations in the tree at the same time.
children true The children to pass the location context to

Example: Animated Routes

import { LocationProvider, Location, Match } from "react-location";

const AnimatedWrapper = ({ children }) => (
    {location => (
      // Get the current location and its key
      // Use location.key as the unique ID in your animations
      <TransitionGroup className="transition-group">
        <CSSTransition key={location.key} classNames="fade" timeout={500}>
          {/* Manually pass LocationProvider the location prop for each animation */}
          <LocationProvider location={location} />

        <Match path="/page/:pageID">
          {({ pageID, location }) => (
              style={{ background: `hsl(${pageID * 75}, 60%, 60%)` }}


The Match component is used to render content when its path matches the current history's location. It is generally used for routing purposes. It also provides the new relative matching path to child Match components, allowing for clean nested route definition.

Prop Required Description
path true The path to match (relative to the nearest parent Match component or root basepath)
children The content to be rendered when the path matches the current location
children(params, location) The function to be called when the path matches the current location. This function is called with any route params available in context and the location API
render(params, location) The function to be called when the path matches the current location. This function is called with any route params available in context and the location API
<component {...params} location /> The component to be rendered when the path matches the current location. This component is renderd with any route params available in context as props and the location API as the location prop


// Render children directly
render(<Match path="about">About me</Match>);

// Use children as a function
  <Match path=":invoiceID">
    {({ invoiceID }) => <div>This is invoice #{invoiceID}</div>}

// Use a render function
    render={({ invoiceID }) => <div>This is invoice #{invoiceID}</div>}

// Use a component
const Invoice = ({ invoiceID, location, dark }) => (
  <div classname={dark && "dark"}>This is invoice #{invoiceID}</div>

render(<Match path=":invoiceID" component={Invoice} dark />);


The MatchFirst component is used to selectively render the first child component that is av valid match and/or provide fallbacks. This is useful for:

  • Nesting and Relative Routes
  • Matching index routes and hard-coded routes before dynamic ones
  • Default / fallback routes

Example - Route Params

  <Match path="invoices">
      <Match path="/">This route would match and display at `/invoices/`</Match>
      <Match path="new">
        This route would match and display at `/invoices/new`
      <Match path=":invoiceID">
        {({ params }) => (
            This route would match for all other `/invoices/:invoiceID/` routes

Example - Default / Fallback Route

    <Match path="/">This route would match and display at `/`</Match>
    <Match path="about">This route would match and display at `/about`</Match>
      This element would be rendered as the fallback when no Matches are found


The Link component allows you to generate <a href/> links for navigation, capable of updating the:

  • Route path + hash
  • Query parameters
  • State
  • Push vs. Replace

The links generated by it are designed to work perfectly with Open in new Tab + ctrl + left-click and Open in new window.... They are also capable of receiving "active" props (depending on the activeType passed) to decorate the link when the link is currently active relative to the current location.

Prop Type Description
...navigate All properties for the navigate method are supported here.
activeType string (one of partial, path, hash or full) Defaults to full. Defines which matching strategy is used to determine if the link is active or not. See the table below for more information.
getActiveProps function A function that is passed the Location API and returns additional props for the active state of this link. These props override other props passed to the link (style's are merged, className's are concatenated)

Example: The basics

    <Link to="/home">I will navigate to `/home`</Link>
    <Link to="todos">
      I will navigate to `./todos`, relative to the current location
    <Link to="..">I will navigate up one level in the location hierarchy.</Link>
    <Link to="#somehash">
      I will navigate to the hash `somehash` at the current location
    <Link to="/search?stringQuery=yes!">I will navigate to `/search?stringQuery=yes!`</Link>
        someParams: true,
        otherParams: 'gogogo',
        object: { nested: { list: [1, 2, 3], hello: "world" } }
      I will navigate to the current location + `?someParams=true&otherParams=gogogo&object=%7B%22nested%22%3A%7B%22list%22%3A%5B1%2C2%2C3%5D%2C%22hello%22%3A%22world%22%7D%7D`
      query={query => ({
        addThis: 'This is new!',
        removeThis: undefined
      I will add `addThis='This is new!' and also remove the `removeThis` param to/from the query params on the current page

Example: Using getActiveProps

The following link will be green with /about as the current location.

  getActiveProps={location => ({
    style: { color: "green" }

Using activeType

As mentioned above, activeType configures when a link is considered "active", and when getActiveProps() is run and applied to the link. Below is a table demonstrating the various options and how they behave:

Type Description Example

| full | hash

useLocation, Location, withLocation

The useLocation hook, Location component and withLocation HOC all return the current location API from context when used.


import { useLocation, Location, withLocation } from "react-location";

// Hook
export function MyComponent() {
  const location = useLocation();
  // use location...

// Component
export function MyComponent() {
  return (
      {location => {
        // use location...

// HOC
export const MyComponent = withLocation(({ location }) => {
  // use location...


The Redirect component can be used to redirect from one route to another based on a matching path. It can be rendered standalone or within a MatchFirst component. If the from prop is left undefined, it will always match and always redirect if rendered.

Prop Description
from The path to match. Behaves the same way a Match does. If not defined, will always redirect when rendered.
...navigate All properties for the navigate method are supported here, but with replace defaulting to true


Creates a custom history object. You can pass this history object to the LocationProvider or just use it to listen to the history of the page.


import { createMemorySource, createHistory } from "react-location";

// Use the window history (DOM only)
let history = createHistory(window);

// You can also pass it a memorySource instance for in-memory or SSR routing
let source = createMemorySource("/starting/url");
let history = createHistory(source);


Creates a source for createHistory that manages a history stack in memory. You may want to use a memory source if you are using an environment that doesn't support or have reliable access to the window location eg. Node, Electron, Ionic, Cordova etc.

See createHistory for an example

Location API

React-Location's model and API is located in a single object, passed via context, throughout the library. It contains both the current state and API for location. It is made available via:

  • The return result for the useLocation hook, Location component, withLocation HOC. See Example
  • Via props passed to the render function, children function, and components that are rendered with the Match component. See Example
  • The first parameter of the Link component's getActiveProps prop function. See Example

The following properties are available on the location API:

Property Type Description
basepath string The basepath of the API, including parent paths.
pathname string The pathname of the location.
hash string The hash of the location with the # removed.
params object The params, deserialized to an object with key-value pairs
query object The query, deserialized to an object with key-value pairs
search string The search string of the location
state object The location's custom state object
href string The full url
key string The unique key for the current stack in history
history object The underlying history object used to power the location

The following methods are available on the location API:


The navigate function allows you to programmatically navigate your application. It is the same method that powers all of the components in this library.


const Promise = navigate(
    query: object{} | function(old) => new,
    state: object{} | function(old) => new,
    replace: boolean = false
    preview: boolean = false

Argument Information

Prop Type Description
to string The path this link navigates to. It can be absolute, relative, external and can also contain a #hash. Defaults to the current location if not defined
query object/function Either (1) the replacement query parameters for this link as an object, or (2) a function that receives the old query parameters and returns new ones
state object/function Either (1) the replacement state for this link as an object, or (2) a function that receives the old state and returns new ones
replace boolean Whether or not to replace the current history entry when this link is clicked
preview boolean When true, returns the href produced by this Link

Contribution and Roadmap

  • Improve Accessibility (Hopefully to the level of Reach Router)
  • Write Tests
  • Continuous Integration & Automated Releases

Open an issue or PR to discuss!

Inspiration and Thanks

This library was heavily inspired by both @reach/router and react-router. In some cases, utility functions were copy and pasted into this library (that's how good they are). Both are extremely fantastic tools that have set standards for the quality of routers in React.]


⚛️Modern routing for React applications.






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