v3.4.1-beta 2023-04-09
new AWS implmementation
MD5 6ABEA9CE05EC7C96652736B73FEE9434
NEW in this BETA
- reconnectInterval
- if an interval ist set to 0 the job (polling,refreshStatus, reconnect) is disabled
- by setting the reconnectInterval to 0, the old logic is used (reconnect after ~60 minutes)
I can confirm that the addon works with OH 3.4.1 and 3.4.2, but not with OH 3.2. I'm not sure if it works with other versions of OH, so please let me know if this version v3.4.1-beta is compatible with other OH versions.
For installation simply copy and replace the org.openhab.binding.worxlandroid-XXXX-SNAPSHOT.jar file in the /addons folder.
Please set DEBUG level ->
log:set DEBUG org.openhab.binding.worxlandroid
known issues:
#75 | better solution for AWS interruption - errorcode 5134 and 1051
#76 | Refresh token instead of new connection
#77 | Error connecting to Worx Landroid WebApi! Error = java.io.EOFException