FPGA Addon Custom Device 23.0.0 (2023 Q1)
- Add support for VeriStand 2023 Q1
Bug Fixes
- Move session out of for loop #159
VeriStand Version Support
- VeriStand 2023
- VeriStand 2021
- VeriStand 2020
VeriStand Version Support Removed
- VeriStand 2019
Packages and Install Order
Optional packages are included that enable scripting each of the custom device configurations from LabVIEW, as well as examples of using these scripting APIs. To use these packages, the install order is as follows:
- Requiredni-fpga-addon-veristand-<version>-labview-support_23.0.0.8_windows_x64.nipkg
- Optionalni-fpga-addon-veristand-<version>-labview-support-examples_23.0.0.8_windows_x64.nipkg
- Optional
NIPM Compatibility
All installer packages (.nipkg) require NI Package Manager 2023 Q1 or later to install.