HiTarget API is writen in Python (Pypy) and FastAPI. It works as backend for HiTarget ToDo list. hitarget
was designed with 3 main components:
- hitarget-api: the backend api is written in Python 3.6 using FastAPI, which processes all logic of this TODO list app
- hitarget-ui: the frontent UI is written in Javascript using VueJs 3.x
- hitarget-it: the configuration and deployment management scripts using Ansible Playbook
- MongoDB
- Python
(other Python version >= 3.6 may be compatible)
All configuration can be found at hitarget/core/config.py. You can easily custom these values by set environment variables
python -m ensurepip
python -m pip install -U pip wheel
pip install poetry
poetry install
/start.sh --workers 10