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Wonjun Kim edited this page Jul 25, 2014 · 23 revisions




  • Fix a bug that rotate drawable is cropped while rotating
  • Added an alias of onRefreshComplete called stopRefreshing.
  • Added OnItemLongClickListener to the adapter
  • Updated the version of android build tools
  • Moved project site from "" to ""


  • Added sample activity for custom loading layout
  • Android Studio preview support.


  • Updated the version of maven-release-plugin to 2.5
  • Fixed bug that loading animation is hidden when list is empty
  • Forbad refreshing when adapter is null in PullToRefreshListView
  • Added simple guidance to use Android Support Library('s SwipeRefreshLayout) in


  • AAR package support. Added gradle settings for aar packaging
  • Fixed bug where the layouts in google mode are shown with wrong positions in Android 3.x
  • Force Mode to be changed to pullFromStart when the mode is google and the version of Android is 2.x or lower
  • Changed the default size of a progress bar(which is appearing when refreshing) to WRAP_CONTENT
  • Deprecated Utils.existAttributeIntValue()
  • Added Utils.existAttributeValue()



  • Added google mode for google style pull to refresh animation
  • Added GoogleStyleViewLayout, GoogleStyleProgressLayout for displaying layout in google mode
  • Added options to customize the animations in google mode
  • Added AlphaAnimator to help starting fade animations
  • Refactored LoadingLayout



  • Deprecate PullToRefreshBase.demo() method.
  • Rename IndicatorLayout to DefaultIndicatorLayout
  • IndicatorLayout is now abstract class, and IIndicatorLayout interface is made
  • Change third parameter of PullToRefreshBase Constructor into loadingLayoutClazz
  • Change ptrAnimationStyle format to string in attrs.xml
  • Remove PullToRefresh.AnimationStyle enum. It uses now res/xml/pulltorefresh.xml instead of PullToRefresh.AnimationStyle to map from ptrAnimationStyle to LoadingLayout.
  • Add ptrIndicatorStyle in attrs.xml. Support for adding some indicator layout, and using it.
  • Add ptrFriction, ptrSmoothScrollDuration, and ptrSmoothScrollLongDuration in attrs.xml. Support for adjusting friction or scroll duration.
  • Add ptrPullLabel, ptrRefreshLabel, and ptrReleaseLabel in attrs.xml. Support custom labels in LoadingLayout.
  • Add loadPullLabel(…), loadRefreshLabel(…), loadReleaseLabel(…) methods in LoadingLayout for custom labels
  • Add getIconDrawable(…) method in DefaultIndicatorLayout for custom indicator icon



  • Internal Layout improvements and fixes.
  • Fix Empty View being stretched. Now tries to honour LayoutParams.
  • New PullToRefreshExpandableListFragment.
  • Improved detection of when the last item is visible for OnLastItemVisible listener.
  • New ListView in ViewPager Sample.
  • Now easier to create subclasses from bundled Views.
  • Other small fixes.


  • Improvements to reduce overdraw when using Header/Footer backgrounds.
  • Use of Hardware Layers to improve scrolling performance.
  • Layout improvements to Header/Footer Views.
  • Updated the default arrow Drawables.
  • Deprecate the Header/Footer mutator methods. You should now use the result of getLoadingLayoutProxy() to alter the appearance of those Views.
  • Add option to disable PullToRefreshListView's extra functionality. See the Customisation page for more info.
  • Updates to translations (thanks to Steve Lhomme).
  • Various bug fixes.


  • Horizontal Scrolling support. Android-PullToRefresh now support horizontally Pulling to Refresh. A number of attributes and values have been due to this. I have tried to remain backwards-compatible, but there may be cases where you need to change your code/XML.
  • New PullToRefreshHorizontalScrollView, and PullToRefreshViewPager.
  • Improve layouts on devices with large displays. Now centers Loading header/footer.
  • Sample has been updated to use Holo themes.
  • Fixed 'flip' image rotation
  • New demo() method which can be called to show the PullToRefresh functionalily to the user.
  • Fix for Arabic RTL text (thanks to nbeloglazov).



  • Due to popular demand, the 'old-style' Flip animation is back. See the Customisation page for more info.
  • OnPullEventListener has been greatly improved. It is now called for all state changes. A number of internal methods have had their visibility reduced due to this function.
  • Ability to set different drawables for top and bottom via XML. See the Customisation page for more info.
  • PullToRefreshWebView2. A new version of PullToRefreshWebView which delegates calls to the WebView's Javascript.
  • Automatically save WebView state when rotating, etc.
  • Bug fixes, including 'jolting' scrolling.

  • Hotfix for Maven build. There is no difference between v1.4.1 & v1.4.1.1.


  • New type of listener called OnPullEventListener. Allows you to be notified when a pull-event has occured.

  • Added new SoundPullEventListener which allows you easily add sound effects. See the PullToRefreshListActivity sample for an example. This is a reference implementation of OnPullEventListener.

  • Optimisations, designed to reduce View depth.

  • Added callbacks so you can change the animated scroll durations.

  • New XML attribute to change TextApperance of Header and SubHeader text. See the Customisation page for more info.

  • Support for AnimationDrawable as Loading Drawable.

  • Bug fixes: check commit log.

  • Extra: ListFragment: Added support for ListFragment, including a sample. Simply add the new library project to app!


  • OverScroll Support! Only works on devices v2.3 and above as we hook into standard Android OverScroll support. Enabled by default but can be disabled via XML or setPullToRefreshOverScrollEnabled().
  • Now built againt API 16 (Jelly Bean) so we can use postOnAnimation on those devices.
  • Convenience pass-through methods for setOnItemClickListener and setAdapter.
  • Fixed #114, #115 & #117.
  • Miscellaneous improvements.



  • Added new PullToRefreshScrollView with sample
  • Fix Issue 101, which stopped onItemClick(…) working while refreshing


  • Added new parameter to OnRefreshListener's. This is a breaking change and will require you to make (small) changes to your apps. See this sample for an example. I apologise for breaking the API, this should have been added from the start.
  • Change Scroll Animation to 'overshoot'. Looks more natural.
  • Added option to disable scrolling when the 'Empty View' is shown. (thanks to pboos)
  • Sample Activities are now final. You should not be extending from them.
  • We now build against API Level 8. The library still runs fine on v1.6 and above.
  • New 'Disabled' Mode option which replaces the now deprecated setPullToRefreshEnabled method
  • Maven build fixes.
  • Fix #79, a bug where PullToRefresh wouldn't work if the ListView had Header Views, and it was empty.


  • New! Indicators that appear when a Pull-to-Refresh is available to the user. These are enabled by default, but can be disabled via XML or the setShowIndicator() method.
  • The Drawable used in the Header/Footer views has been changed. It is also completely customisable now via XML or the setLoadingDrawable method. See the GridView sample.
  • Cleaned up repository, moving content to Wiki pages.



  • Fix Background colour when using custom colour with ListView (#67)
  • Fix bug where the ListView would also scroll to the bottom/top after refreshing (#67)
  • Ability to change mode via a method call (#10)
  • Ability to make filtering of touch events more lenient (setFilterTouchEvents)
  • Fixed Copyright Notices on Source


  • Fixed PullToRefreshWebView so that pulling from the bottom works (thanks nagoya0)
  • Can now display last update label using then new setLastUpdatedLabel() method (thanks Peter Elliott)
  • Strings are now separate for Pulling Up and Pulling Up views, necessary for certain languages. There also new label setter methods so you change each one separately.
  • Bug fixes, including #66, #62 and #64


  • Fixes for #44, #48, #49


  • Changed the custom attributes to be prefixed with 'ptr'. Should fixed compatibility with ActionBarSherlock v4.


  • Fix bug where Pulling Up stopped working with ListView (#43)
  • Fix bug where the Header/Footer's wouldn't be styled correctly on ListView (#42)
  • Add new Listener, OnRefreshListener2 which allows you to listen for Pull Up/Downs separately.

  • Properly fix not being able to Pull when the Empty View is show (#40)


  • Fix Header View's being selectable (can cause FCs)
  • Force ListView Footer to be the last visible item (#41)
  • Fix not being able to Pull when the Empty View is show (#40)
  • Add Japanese Translations (thanks to nagoya0)


  • String Updates (thanks to Steve Lhomme)
  • Add Missing Constructor (thanks to mcxiaoke)


  • Fix bug where disabling scrolling has no effect when manual refreshing (thanks Maxim Galkin)


  • New (better) way of handling Touch Events
  • Add new way for PullToRefreshListView to work. Allows the user to scroll while it's refreshing.
  • Fix Pull from Bottom happening when the view wasn't completely at the bottom
  • Allow outside code to update the Widget to be refreshing (see setRefreshing())
  • Fix Padding being doubled when added via XML
  • New Translations