This is a legacy version of the application and numerous aspects may not function correctly (Google Sheets for example).
Note: this version is functionally equivalent to v.
- Updated application to use .NET 4.8
- Added math function to the Incept translator
- Added Image Color tag for FormattedText ()
- Added group logic to switch statements so multiple matches can have the same result
- Updated ClosedXML (support newer Excel functionality)
- Added alternative parameter sets for the font tag in FormattedText
- Added FormattedText marginleft and marginright tags.
- Fixed issue with page resizing/margins on PDF export
- Added * option for allowed layout column to indicate the row should be included in all layouts
- Added ability to preview color changes in the color selection dialog. This works with 1+ elements selected.
- Added ability to apply color to graphic elements. This is applied to the image (not other aspects like background/border).
- Expanded allowed_layout functionality to support a semi-colon delimited set.
- Uhm probably a few in there.