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Support for URL Rewrite filter (#1396)
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Problem: As a user, I want to be able to configure URL rewrites for hostname and/or path rewrites on the server side.

Solution: Using the HTTPRoute filter API, a user can now configure a hostname and/or path-based rewrite. Hostname rewrite will update the Host header, while a path rewrite utilizes nginx's `rewrite` directive.

Enabled conformance tests for these features and added how-to guides.
sjberman authored Dec 27, 2023
1 parent b207f0e commit 0f465a7
Showing 25 changed files with 1,650 additions and 256 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion conformance/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ PREFIX = nginx-gateway-fabric
SUPPORTED_FEATURES = HTTPRoute,HTTPRouteQueryParamMatching,HTTPRouteMethodMatching,HTTPRoutePortRedirect,HTTPRouteSchemeRedirect,GatewayClassObservedGenerationBump
SUPPORTED_FEATURES = HTTPRouteQueryParamMatching,HTTPRouteMethodMatching,HTTPRoutePortRedirect,HTTPRouteSchemeRedirect,HTTPRouteHostRewrite,HTTPRoutePathRewrite,GatewayPort8080
KIND_IMAGE ?= $(shell grep -m1 'FROM kindest/node' <tests/Dockerfile | awk -F'[ ]' '{print $$2}')
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions internal/mode/static/nginx/config/http/config.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ type Server struct {
// Location holds all configuration for an HTTP location.
type Location struct {
Return *Return
Rewrites []string
Path string
ProxyPass string
HTTPMatchVar string
199 changes: 150 additions & 49 deletions internal/mode/static/nginx/config/servers.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -18,6 +18,26 @@ const (
rootPath = "/"

// baseHeaders contains the constant headers set in each server block
var baseHeaders = []http.Header{
Name: "Host",
Value: "$gw_api_compliant_host",
Name: "X-Forwarded-For",
Value: "$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for",
Name: "Upgrade",
Value: "$http_upgrade",
Name: "Connection",
Value: "$connection_upgrade",

func executeServers(conf dataplane.Configuration) []byte {
servers := createServers(conf.HTTPServers, conf.SSLServers)

@@ -72,6 +92,15 @@ func createServer(virtualServer dataplane.VirtualServer) http.Server {

// rewriteConfig contains the configuration for a location to rewrite paths,
// as specified in a URLRewrite filter
type rewriteConfig struct {
// InternalRewrite rewrites an internal URI to the original URI (ex: /coffee_prefix_route0 -> /coffee)
InternalRewrite string
// MainRewrite rewrites the original URI to the new URI (ex: /coffee -> /beans)
MainRewrite string

func createLocations(pathRules []dataplane.PathRule, listenerPort int32) []http.Location {
maxLocs, pathsAndTypes := getMaxLocationCountAndPathMap(pathRules)
locs := make([]http.Location, 0, maxLocs)
@@ -94,42 +123,7 @@ func createLocations(pathRules []dataplane.PathRule, listenerPort int32) []http.
matches = append(matches, match)

if r.Filters.InvalidFilter != nil {
for i := range buildLocations {
buildLocations[i].Return = &http.Return{Code: http.StatusInternalServerError}
locs = append(locs, buildLocations...)

// There could be a case when the filter has the type set but not the corresponding field.
// For example, type is v1.HTTPRouteFilterRequestRedirect, but RequestRedirect field is nil.
// The imported Webhook validation webhook catches that.

// FIXME(pleshakov): Ensure dataplane.Configuration -related types don't include v1 types, so that
// we don't need to make any assumptions like above here. After fixing this, ensure that there is a test
// for checking the imported Webhook validation catches the case above.

// RequestRedirect and proxying are mutually exclusive.
if r.Filters.RequestRedirect != nil {
ret := createReturnValForRedirectFilter(r.Filters.RequestRedirect, listenerPort)
for i := range buildLocations {
buildLocations[i].Return = ret
locs = append(locs, buildLocations...)

proxySetHeaders := generateProxySetHeaders(r.Filters.RequestHeaderModifiers)
for i := range buildLocations {
buildLocations[i].ProxySetHeaders = proxySetHeaders

proxyPass := createProxyPass(r.BackendGroup)
for i := range buildLocations {
buildLocations[i].ProxyPass = proxyPass
buildLocations = updateLocationsForFilters(r.Filters, buildLocations, r, listenerPort, rule.Path)
locs = append(locs, buildLocations...)

@@ -230,6 +224,48 @@ func initializeInternalLocation(
return createMatchLocation(path), createHTTPMatch(match, path)

// updateLocationsForFilters updates the existing locations with any relevant filters.
func updateLocationsForFilters(
filters dataplane.HTTPFilters,
buildLocations []http.Location,
matchRule dataplane.MatchRule,
listenerPort int32,
path string,
) []http.Location {
if filters.InvalidFilter != nil {
for i := range buildLocations {
buildLocations[i].Return = &http.Return{Code: http.StatusInternalServerError}
return buildLocations

if filters.RequestRedirect != nil {
ret := createReturnValForRedirectFilter(filters.RequestRedirect, listenerPort)
for i := range buildLocations {
buildLocations[i].Return = ret
return buildLocations

rewrites := createRewritesValForRewriteFilter(filters.RequestURLRewrite, path)
proxySetHeaders := generateProxySetHeaders(&matchRule.Filters)
proxyPass := createProxyPass(matchRule.BackendGroup, matchRule.Filters.RequestURLRewrite)
for i := range buildLocations {
if rewrites != nil {
if buildLocations[i].Internal && rewrites.InternalRewrite != "" {
buildLocations[i].Rewrites = append(buildLocations[i].Rewrites, rewrites.InternalRewrite)
if rewrites.MainRewrite != "" {
buildLocations[i].Rewrites = append(buildLocations[i].Rewrites, rewrites.MainRewrite)
buildLocations[i].ProxySetHeaders = proxySetHeaders
buildLocations[i].ProxyPass = proxyPass

return buildLocations

func createReturnValForRedirectFilter(filter *dataplane.HTTPRequestRedirectFilter, listenerPort int32) *http.Return {
if filter == nil {
return nil
@@ -275,6 +311,49 @@ func createReturnValForRedirectFilter(filter *dataplane.HTTPRequestRedirectFilte

func createRewritesValForRewriteFilter(filter *dataplane.HTTPURLRewriteFilter, path string) *rewriteConfig {
if filter == nil {
return nil

rewrites := &rewriteConfig{}

if filter.Path != nil {
rewrites.InternalRewrite = "^ $request_uri"
switch filter.Path.Type {
case dataplane.ReplaceFullPath:
rewrites.MainRewrite = fmt.Sprintf("^ %s break", filter.Path.Replacement)
case dataplane.ReplacePrefixMatch:
filterPrefix := filter.Path.Replacement
if filterPrefix == "" {
filterPrefix = "/"

// capture everything after the configured prefix
regex := fmt.Sprintf("^%s(.*)$", path)
// replace the configured prefix with the filter prefix and append what was captured
replacement := fmt.Sprintf("%s$1", filterPrefix)

// if configured prefix does not end in /, but replacement prefix does end in /,
// then make sure that we *require* but *don't capture* a trailing slash in the request,
// otherwise we'll get duplicate slashes in the full replacement
if strings.HasSuffix(filterPrefix, "/") && !strings.HasSuffix(path, "/") {
regex = fmt.Sprintf("^%s(?:/(.*))?$", path)

// if configured prefix ends in / we won't capture it for a request (since it's not in the regex),
// so append it to the replacement prefix if the replacement prefix doesn't already end in /
if strings.HasSuffix(path, "/") && !strings.HasSuffix(filterPrefix, "/") {
replacement = fmt.Sprintf("%s/$1", filterPrefix)

rewrites.MainRewrite = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s break", regex, replacement)

return rewrites

// httpMatch is an internal representation of an HTTPRouteMatch.
// This struct is marshaled into a string and stored as a variable in the nginx location block for the route's path.
// The NJS httpmatches module will look up this variable on the request object and compare the request against the
@@ -354,13 +433,18 @@ func isPathOnlyMatch(match dataplane.Match) bool {
return match.Method == nil && len(match.Headers) == 0 && len(match.QueryParams) == 0

func createProxyPass(backendGroup dataplane.BackendGroup) string {
func createProxyPass(backendGroup dataplane.BackendGroup, filter *dataplane.HTTPURLRewriteFilter) string {
var requestURI string
if filter == nil || filter.Path == nil {
requestURI = "$request_uri"

backendName := backendGroupName(backendGroup)
if backendGroupNeedsSplit(backendGroup) {
return "http://$" + convertStringToSafeVariableName(backendName)
return "http://$" + convertStringToSafeVariableName(backendName) + requestURI

return "http://" + backendName
return "http://" + backendName + requestURI

func createMatchLocation(path string) http.Location {
@@ -370,27 +454,44 @@ func createMatchLocation(path string) http.Location {

func generateProxySetHeaders(filters *dataplane.HTTPHeaderFilter) []http.Header {
if filters == nil {
return nil
func generateProxySetHeaders(filters *dataplane.HTTPFilters) []http.Header {
headers := make([]http.Header, len(baseHeaders))
copy(headers, baseHeaders)

if filters != nil && filters.RequestURLRewrite != nil && filters.RequestURLRewrite.Hostname != nil {
for i, header := range headers {
if header.Name == "Host" {
headers[i].Value = *filters.RequestURLRewrite.Hostname

if filters == nil || filters.RequestHeaderModifiers == nil {
return headers
proxySetHeaders := make([]http.Header, 0, len(filters.Add)+len(filters.Set)+len(filters.Remove))
if len(filters.Add) > 0 {
addHeaders := convertAddHeaders(filters.Add)

headerFilter := filters.RequestHeaderModifiers

headerLen := len(headerFilter.Add) + len(headerFilter.Set) + len(headerFilter.Remove) + len(headers)
proxySetHeaders := make([]http.Header, 0, headerLen)
if len(headerFilter.Add) > 0 {
addHeaders := convertAddHeaders(headerFilter.Add)
proxySetHeaders = append(proxySetHeaders, addHeaders...)
if len(filters.Set) > 0 {
setHeaders := convertSetHeaders(filters.Set)
if len(headerFilter.Set) > 0 {
setHeaders := convertSetHeaders(headerFilter.Set)
proxySetHeaders = append(proxySetHeaders, setHeaders...)
// If the value of a header field is an empty string then this field will not be passed to a proxied server
for _, h := range filters.Remove {
for _, h := range headerFilter.Remove {
proxySetHeaders = append(proxySetHeaders, http.Header{
Name: h,
Value: "",
return proxySetHeaders

return append(proxySetHeaders, headers...)

func convertAddHeaders(headers []dataplane.HTTPHeader) []http.Header {
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions internal/mode/static/nginx/config/servers_template.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ server {
{{ end }}
{{- range $r := $l.Rewrites }}
rewrite {{ $r }};
{{- end }}
{{- if $l.Return -}}
return {{ $l.Return.Code }} "{{ $l.Return.Body }}";
{{ end }}
@@ -50,12 +54,8 @@ server {
{{ range $h := $l.ProxySetHeaders }}
proxy_set_header {{ $h.Name }} "{{ $h.Value }}";
{{- end }}
proxy_set_header Host $gw_api_compliant_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
proxy_pass {{ $l.ProxyPass }}$request_uri;
proxy_pass {{ $l.ProxyPass }};
{{- end }}
{{ end }}

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