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Open Journal Systems (OJS)

David Beitey edited this page Mar 2, 2021 · 5 revisions

Open Journal Systems (OJS) is an open source software application for managing and publishing scholarly journals. Originally developed and released by PKP in 2001 to improve access to research, it is the most widely used open source journal publishing platform in existence, with over 10,000 journals using it worldwide.

All examples assume you have installed and configured Shibboleth with FastCGI support and have the authorizer and responder operating already with suitable nginx location blocks and have shib_request available.

With FastCGI (or other non-HTTP proxy) hosting of our application, we can avoid the need for headers and avoid the possibility of spoofing. Bear in mind this feature requires nginx-http-shibboleth 2.0 or above.

OJS v3.x

OJS 3's Shibboleth plugin has support for mandatory or optional implicit authentication -- the configuration for both types of configuration.

In short, the configuration below sets up one specific endpoint to receive the Shibboleth variables (/shibboleth/shibLogin) and sets OJS up to allow Shibboleth authentication and read a user's data from corresponding environment variables.

OJS configuration

  1. Install into your OJS environment

  2. Login to OJS, click Administration, then Site Settings, then Plugins

  3. Enable Shibboleth Authentication Plugin.

  4. Under Shibboleth Authentication Plugin, click Settings and enter the following:

    • Shibboleth SP path: /Shibboleth.sso/Login
    • $_SERVER environment variable keys - set these as per your nginx.conf:
      • Shibboleth UIN: EMAIL
      • Shibboleth first or given name: GIVENNAME
      • Shibboleth last, family, or surname: SN
      • Shibboleth e-mail address: EMAIL
    • List of Shibboleth user IDs or UINs who are OJS administrators: A space-delimited list of UINs to make admin
    • Optional Shibboleth Login: Enabled
    • Labels: customise any labels you want

    and click OK to save.


  server {
     # ... other configuration for serving OJS, PHP, etc
     # ... other location blocks for nginx-http-shibboleth as per

     # Shibboleth authentication end-point for OJS
     location ~ ^/index.php/(.*?)/shibboleth/shibLogin$ {
         shib_request /shibauthorizer;
         # Add or modify to suit your Shibboleth variable configuration
         # This ensures that ONLY this endpoint receives the variables as FastCGI params
         shib_request_set $shib_givenname $upstream_http_variable_givenname;
         fastcgi_param GIVENNAME $shib_givenname;
         shib_request_set $shib_sn $upstream_http_variable_sn;
         fastcgi_param SN $shib_sn;
         shib_request_set $shib_email $upstream_http_variable_email;
         fastcgi_param EMAIL $shib_email;
         shib_request_set $shib_organizationname $upstream_http_variable_organizationname;
         fastcgi_param ORGANIZATIONNAME $shib_organizationname;

         include conf.d/php-location;

conf.d/php-location for Nginx

fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+?\.php)(/.*)$;
if (!-f $document_root$fastcgi_script_name) {
    return 404;
fastcgi_intercept_errors on;
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_FILENAME         $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_param   PATH_INFO               $fastcgi_path_info;
fastcgi_param   PATH_TRANSLATED         $document_root$fastcgi_path_info;
more_clear_headers 'X-Powered-By';

OJS v2.x

In short, the configuration below sets up one specific endpoint to receive the Shibboleth variables (implicitAuthReturn) and sets OJS up to allow Shibboleth authentication and read a user's data from corresponding environment variables.


  server {
     # ... other configuration for serving OJS, PHP, etc
     # ... other location blocks for nginx-http-shibboleth as per

     # Shibboleth authentication end-point for OJS
     location = /index.php/index/login/implicitAuthReturn {
         shib_request /shibauthorizer;
         # Add or modify to suit your Shibboleth variable configuration
         # This ensures that ONLY this endpoint receives the variables as FastCGI params
         shib_request_set $shib_givenname $upstream_http_variable_givenname;
         fastcgi_param GIVENNAME $shib_givenname;
         shib_request_set $shib_sn $upstream_http_variable_sn;
         fastcgi_param SN $shib_sn;
         shib_request_set $shib_email $upstream_http_variable_email;
         fastcgi_param EMAIL $shib_email;
         shib_request_set $shib_organizationname $upstream_http_variable_organizationname;
         fastcgi_param ORGANIZATIONNAME $shib_organizationname;

         include conf.d/php-location;

conf.d/php-location for Nginx

fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+?\.php)(/.*)$;
if (!-f $document_root$fastcgi_script_name) {
    return 404;
fastcgi_intercept_errors on;
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_FILENAME         $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_param   PATH_INFO               $fastcgi_path_info;
fastcgi_param   PATH_TRANSLATED         $document_root$fastcgi_path_info;
more_clear_headers 'X-Powered-By';


; Is implicit authentication enabled or not
; Optional allows both local login and Shibboleth at the same time
implicit_auth = Optional

; Implicit Auth Header Variables
; Add or adjust configuration for other variables. MUST match Nginx's fastcgi_params
implicit_auth_header_first_name = GIVENNAME
implicit_auth_header_last_name = SN
implicit_auth_header_email = EMAIL
;implicit_auth_header_phone = TELEPHONENUMBER
;implicit_auth_header_initials = METADATA_INITIALS
implicit_auth_header_mailing_address = ORGANIZATIONNAME
implicit_auth_header_uin = EMAIL

; A space delimited list of uins to make admin
implicit_auth_admin_list = "[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]"

; URL of the implicit auth 'Way Finder' page. See pages/login/ for usage.
implicit_auth_wayf_url = "/Shibboleth.sso/Login"