Sample for using CKEditor5 with custom build (additional plugins..) in Next.js
Use the CKEditor React component (
Use the ckeditor5-build-classic but custom its build (, install a plugin (SimpleUploadAdapter) for example purpose
For example, add the plugin SimpleUploadAdapter into ckeditor-5-build-classic
- Install the plugin SimpleUploadAdapter
cd ckeditor5-build-classic-custom
npm install
// src/ckeditor.js
import SimpleUploadAdapter from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-upload/src/adapters/simpleuploadadapter';
- Put it into the plugin list
// src/ckeditor.js
ClassicEditor.builtinPlugins = [
- Re-build with added plugin for next step
npm run build
- Use the local package ckeditor5-build-classic-custom
cd app
# Check package.json to see the usage of local package ckeditor5-build-classic-custom
// package.json
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic": "file:../ckeditor5-build-classic-custom",
npm install
- Create a Editor component, put CKEditor5 there by using CKEditor's official React component (
// components/editor.js
import CKEditor from "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-react";
- Config the plugin SimpleUploadAdapter
// components/editor.js
// Pass the config for SimpleUploadAdapter
simpleUpload: {
// The URL that the images are uploaded to.
uploadUrl: "",
// Enable the XMLHttpRequest.withCredentials property.
withCredentials: true,
// Headers sent along with the XMLHttpRequest to the upload server.
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer <JSON Web Token>",
- Dynamic import the Editor component with mode ssr=false to prevent errors in Next.js
// pages/index.js
const Editor = dynamic(() => import("../components/editor"), {ssr: false})
- Start app
npm run dev
- Build & export
npm run build
npm run export
- nghiaht