Version 1.2.1: http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails|mil.nga.geopackage|geopackage|1.2.1|jar
1.2.1 (02-02-2017)
- Elevation Extension support (PNG & TIFF)
- geopackage-core version updated to 1.2.1
- User Attributes table support
- geopackage-tiff-java dependency for TIFF support
- Elevation query algorithms including Nearest Neighbor, Bilinear, and Bicubic
- Elevation unbounded results elevation queries
- Table and column name SQL quotations to allow uncommon but valid names
- Zoom level determination using width and height
- GeoPackage application id and user version
- OrmLite JDBC version updated to 5.0
- SQLite JDBC version updated to 3.16.1