Create or update markdown content of ARCs dynamically
ARCSummary aims to facilitate the dynamic generation of markdown content. It serves as a up-to-date overview of the ARCs current state since all the information is derived from the content from an already established or starting investigation.
Clone this repository locally and run with or without docker.
- summary Updates your to the current version
- summarymr Pushes Updated Summary to side branch and opens a MergeRequest onto main branch.
docker pull
docker run -v "</path_to_your_arc>:/arc" summary -d /arc
docker run -v "</path_to_your_arc>:/arc" summarymr -d /arc -t your_access_token -i user/repository
For reference as this is based on the docker setup provided by arc-export see the docs
docker build -t dockerimage:latest /path/to/ARCSummary
docker run -v "</path_to_your_arc>:/arc" dockerimage:latest summary -d /arc
docker run -v "</path_to_your_arc>:/arc" dockerimage:latest summarymr -d /arc -t your_access_token -i user/repository
cd /path/to/your/CLI
dotnet restore
dotnet build
dotnet run summary -d /path/to/your/arc
dotnet run summarymr -d /path/to/your/arc -t your_access_token -i user/repository
USAGE: ARCSummary summary [--help] --arc-directory <arcPath>
--arc-directory, -d, -ap <arcPath>
Location of the ARC in the Filesystem
--help display this list of options.
USAGE: ARCSummary summarymr [--help] --arc-directory <string> --token <string> --pathorid <string> [--commitmessage <string>] [--mrtitle <string>] [--sourcebranch <string>] [--targetbranch <string>] [--username <string>] [--useremail <string>] [--apiadress <string>]
--arc-directory, -d <string>
MANDATORY: Location of the ARC in the Filesystem
--token, -t <string>
MANDATORY: Personal access token for gitlab
--pathorid, -i <string>
MANDATORY: ID or URL-encdoded path of the project after .org/, e.g. username/myprojectname
--commitmessage, --message <string>
OPTIONAL: Message to be used for the commit.
--mrtitle, --title <string>
OPTIONAL: Title of the Merge Request
--sourcebranch <string>
OPTIONAL: Name of the branch to which the commit should be pushed, and which will be the
source branch of the MR. Default is `arc-summary`
--targetbranch <string>
OPTIONAL: Name of the reference branch which is the target for the MR. Default is `main`
--username, --name <string>
OPTIONAL: Username to be used for the commit
--useremail, --email <string>
OPTIONAL: Email to be used for the commit
--apiadress, --api <string>
OPTIONAL: Testing Server URL
display this list of options.