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nfd9001 committed Dec 11, 2019
1 parent ef2d652 commit f4098ab
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@@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
# advent-of-code-2019
Solutions to Advent Of Code 2019

These are my solutions to AoC 2019. I didn't necessarily go for
highest-possible-elegance or the leaderboards (in fact, I started late), so
don't be surprised if my solutions look a little long, have inconsistent
indentation, have snippets of dead code left in.... I've mostly left these
submissions looking the way they did when I submitted the correct answer.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions day1.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
main = do
f <- readFile "day1.txt"
let d = read <$> lines f
-- pt. 1
print $ sum $ (\x -> x `div` 3 + 5) <$> d

--pt. 2
let im x = x `div` 3 - 2
let fuel x f = if (x < 9)
then (f)
else (fuel (im x) (f + im x))
print $ sum $ ((flip fuel) 0) <$> d
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions day2_1.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Array.MArray
main = do
f <- readFile "day2.txt"
w <- return $ (read :: String -> Int) <$> (words $ (\x -> if x == ',' then ' ' else x) <$> f)
a <- newListArray (0, length w - 1) w :: IO (IOArray Int Int)
writeArray a 1 12
writeArray a 2 2
res <- performNext a 0
putStrLn $ show $ res

performNext arr ind = let
op 1 x y target = writeArray arr target (x + y)
op 2 x y target = writeArray arr target (x * y)
op i _ _ _ = error $ "Invalid instruction: " ++ show i
in do
instruction <- readArray arr ind
if instruction == 99
then readArray arr 0
else do
xp <- readArray arr (ind + 1)
x <- readArray arr xp
yp <- readArray arr (ind + 2)
y <- readArray arr yp
target <- readArray arr (ind + 3)
op instruction x y target
performNext arr (ind + 4)
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions day2_2.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Array.MArray
import System.Exit
main = do
f <- readFile "day2.txt"
w <- return $ (read :: String -> Int) <$> (words $ (\x -> if x == ',' then ' ' else x) <$> f)
a <- newListArray (0, length w - 1) w :: IO (IOArray Int Int)
pairs <- return [(noun, verb) | noun <- [1..99], verb <- [1..99]]
sequence $ checkPair a 19690720 <$> pairs

performNext arr ind = let
op 1 x y target = writeArray arr target (x + y)
op 2 x y target = writeArray arr target (x * y)
op i _ _ _ = error $ "Invalid instruction: " ++ show i
in do
instruction <- readArray arr ind
if instruction == 99
then readArray arr 0
else do
xp <- readArray arr (ind + 1)
x <- readArray arr xp
yp <- readArray arr (ind + 2)
y <- readArray arr yp
target <- readArray arr (ind + 3)
op instruction x y target
performNext arr (ind + 4)

checkPair :: IOArray Int Int -> Int -> (Int, Int) -> IO ()
checkPair arr value (noun, verb) = do
copy <- mapArray id arr
writeArray copy 1 noun
writeArray copy 2 verb
res <- performNext copy 0
if res == value then (putStrLn $ show (100 * noun + verb)) >>= \_ -> exitSuccess else return ()
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions day3_1.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import Data.Set (Set, toList, fromList, intersection)
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy
import Text.Show.Functions

data Direction = DUp Int | DDown Int | DLeft Int | DRight Int
deriving (Show)
dir ('U':xs) = DUp $ read xs
dir ('D':xs) = DDown $ read xs
dir ('L':xs) = DLeft $ read xs
dir ('R':xs) = DRight $ read xs
dir _ = error "Failed to parse direction"

points (DUp n) (x, y) = [(x, y+i) | i <- [1..n]]
points (DDown n) (x, y) = [(x, y-i) | i <- [1..n]]
points (DLeft n) (x, y) = [(x-i, y) | i <- [1..n]]
points (DRight n) (x, y) = [(x+i, y) | i <- [1..n]]

manhattan (p, p') (q, q') = (abs $ p - q) + (abs $ p' - q')

step :: (Int, Int) -> Direction -> Writer (Set (Int, Int)) (Int, Int)
step (x, y) dir = let p = points dir (x, y) in do
tell $ fromList p
return $ last p

turnsToSet :: [Direction] -> Set (Int, Int)
turnsToSet = execWriter . foldM step (0, 0)
main = do
f <- readFile "day3.txt"
--turnses <- undefined -- return $ fmap (dir $ words (fmap (\x -> if x == ',' then ' ' else x))) (lines f)
ls <- return $ lines f
turnses <- return $ do
l <- ls
return $ dir <$> (words $ (\x -> if x == ',' then ' ' else x )<$>l)
sets <- return $ turnsToSet <$> turnses
i <- return $ foldl1 intersection sets
j <- return $ sortOn (manhattan (0,0)) $ toList i
putStrLn $ show $ manhattan (0,0) (head j)
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions day4.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import Data.List
-- left as it was in my dir, since pt 1 should be obvious given this
input = show <$> [146810..612563]

getpairs (x:y:xs) = (x,y) : getpairs (y:xs)
getpairs _ = []

check i = let
pairs = getpairs i
if (any (==2) (length <$> group i)) && (all (uncurry (<=)) pairs)
then 1
else 0

main = putStrLn $ show $ sum $ check <$> input
112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions day5_1.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Array.MArray
import Text.Show.Functions -- to prettyprint errors

type Address = Int
type Memory = IOArray Int Int
type Value = Int
type Input = Int
data Opcode = ADD | MUL | INP | OUT | HAL
deriving Show

opcode 1 = ADD
opcode 2 = MUL
opcode 3 = INP
opcode 4 = OUT
opcode 99 = HAL
opcode e = error $ "Unknown opcode " ++ (show e)

nParams ADD = 3
nParams MUL = 3
nParams INP = 1
nParams OUT = 1
nParams HAL = 0

data Mode = POS | IMM
deriving Show
mode 0 = POS
mode 1 = IMM
mode e = error $ "Unknown mode " ++ (show e)

takeLast n = reverse . take n . reverse

--assumes infinite args; just use an appropriate bound
getModes :: Int -> [Mode]
getModes l = let j = show l
in reverse ((mode . read . (\x -> [x])) <$>
take ((length j) - 2) j) ++ (repeat POS)

getOpcode :: Int -> Opcode
getOpcode = opcode . read . takeLast 2 . show

getInstruction :: Memory -> Address -> IO (Opcode, Int, [(Mode, Int)])
getInstruction mem a = do
val <- readArray mem a
op <- return $ getOpcode val
ps <- return $ nParams op
m <- return $ getModes val
args <- forwardArraySlice mem (a + 1) (a + ps + 1)
return (op, ps, zip m args)

forwardArraySlice arr i j = sequence $ readArray arr <$> [i..(j-1)]

-- take a mode and an argument, and yield the value
unpackArg :: Memory -> (Mode, Int) -> IO Value
unpackArg mem (POS, i) = readArray mem i
unpackArg _ (IMM, i) = return i
--currently unneeded
--unpackArg _ (e , _) = error $ "Unimplemented mode " ++ (show e)

-- (remaining inputs, halted?)
runInstruction :: Memory -> [Input] -> Opcode -> [Value] -> IO ([Input], Bool)
runInstruction mem is ADD vals = do
writeArray mem
(vals !! 2)
((vals !! 0) + (vals !! 1))
return (is, False)
runInstruction mem is MUL vals = do
writeArray mem
(vals !! 2)
((vals !! 0) * (vals !! 1))
return (is, False)
runInstruction mem (i:is) INP vals = do
writeArray mem (vals !! 0) i
return (is, False)
runInstruction _ _ INP _ = error "Tried to read input; none found"
runInstruction mem is OUT vals = do
putStrLn $ show $ vals !! 0
return (is, False)
runInstruction _ is HAL _ = return (is, True)

--change the ops used in writes to immediate mode to defer lookup
filterWrites :: Opcode -> [(Mode, Int)] -> [(Mode, Int)]
filterWrites ADD (a:b:(_, i):xs) = a:b:(IMM,i):xs
filterWrites MUL (a:b:(_, i):xs) = a:b:(IMM,i):xs
filterWrites INP ((_,i):xs) = (IMM,i):xs
filterWrites _ l = l

performNext :: Memory -> Address -> [Input] -> IO Int
performNext mem ip input = do
(op, ps, argms) <- getInstruction mem ip
argms' <- return $ filterWrites op argms
--putStrLn $ "DEBUG :" ++ (show (ip, op, ps, argms))
vals <- sequence $ (unpackArg mem) <$> argms'
--putStrLn $ "DEBUG vals:" ++ (show (ip, op, ps, argms, vals))
(input', halted) <- runInstruction mem input op vals
if halted
then do
readArray mem 0
performNext mem (ip + ps + 1) input'

main = do
f <- readFile "day5.txt"
w <- return $ (read :: String -> Int) <$> (words $ (\x -> if x == ',' then ' ' else x) <$> f)
a <- newListArray (0, length w - 1) w :: IO (IOArray Int Int)
--i <- readFile "day5_1input.txt"
--i' <- return $ (read :: String -> Int) <$> (words $ (\x -> if x == ',' then ' ' else x) <$> f)
i' <- return [1]
res <- performNext a 0 i'
putStrLn $ "Halted: " ++ (show res)

143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions day5_2.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Array.MArray
import Text.Show.Functions -- to prettyprint errors

type Address = Int
type Memory = IOArray Int Int
type Value = Int
type Input = Int
data Opcode = ADD | MUL | INP | OUT | JNZ | JZ | SLT | SEQ | HAL
deriving Show

opcode 1 = ADD
opcode 2 = MUL
opcode 3 = INP
opcode 4 = OUT
opcode 5 = JNZ
opcode 6 = JZ
opcode 7 = SLT
opcode 8 = SEQ
opcode 99 = HAL
opcode e = error $ "Unknown opcode " ++ (show e)

nParams ADD = 3 --writes on 3
nParams MUL = 3 --writes on 3
nParams INP = 1 --writes on 1
nParams OUT = 1
nParams JNZ = 2
nParams JZ = 2
nParams SLT = 3 --writes on 3
nParams SEQ = 3 --writes on 3
nParams HAL = 0

data Mode = POS | IMM
deriving Show
mode 0 = POS
mode 1 = IMM
mode e = error $ "Unknown mode " ++ (show e)

takeLast n = reverse . take n . reverse

--assumes infinite args; just use an appropriate bound
getModes :: Int -> [Mode]
getModes l = let j = show l
in reverse ((mode . read . (\x -> [x])) <$>
take ((length j) - 2) j) ++ (repeat POS)

getOpcode :: Int -> Opcode
getOpcode = opcode . read . takeLast 2 . show

getInstruction :: Memory -> Address -> IO (Opcode, Int, [(Mode, Int)])
getInstruction mem a = do
val <- readArray mem a
op <- return $ getOpcode val
ps <- return $ nParams op
m <- return $ getModes val
args <- forwardArraySlice mem (a + 1) (a + ps + 1)
return (op, ps, zip m args)

forwardArraySlice arr i j = sequence $ readArray arr <$> [i..(j-1)]

-- take a mode and an argument, and yield the value
unpackArg :: Memory -> (Mode, Int) -> IO Value
unpackArg mem (POS, i) = readArray mem i
unpackArg _ (IMM, i) = return i
--currently unneeded
--unpackArg _ (e , _) = error $ "Unimplemented mode " ++ (show e)

-- (remaining inputs, halted?)
runInstruction :: Memory -> Address -> [Input] -> Opcode -> [Value] -> IO ([Input], Bool, Address)
runInstruction mem ip is ADD vals = do
writeArray mem
(vals !! 2)
((vals !! 0) + (vals !! 1))
return (is, False, ip + 4)
runInstruction mem ip is MUL vals = do
writeArray mem
(vals !! 2)
((vals !! 0) * (vals !! 1))
return (is, False, ip + 4)
runInstruction mem ip (i:is) INP vals = do
writeArray mem (vals !! 0) i
return (is, False, ip + 2)
runInstruction _ _ _ INP _= error "Tried to read input; none found"
runInstruction mem ip is OUT vals = do
putStrLn $ show $ vals !! 0
return (is, False, ip + 2)
runInstruction mem ip is JNZ vals =
if (vals !! 0) /= 0
then return (is, False, vals !! 1)
else return (is, False, ip + 3)
runInstruction mem ip is JZ vals =
if (vals !! 0) == 0
then return (is, False, vals !! 1)
else return (is, False, ip + 3)
runInstruction mem ip is SLT vals = do
if (vals !! 0) < (vals !! 1)
then writeArray mem (vals !! 2) 1
else writeArray mem (vals !! 2) 0
return (is, False, ip + 4)
runInstruction mem ip is SEQ vals = do
if (vals !! 0) == (vals !! 1)
then writeArray mem (vals !! 2) 1
else writeArray mem (vals !! 2) 0
return (is, False, ip + 4)
runInstruction _ _ is HAL _ = return (is, True, error "Forced ip on halted machine")

--change the ops used in writes to immediate mode to defer lookup
demoteWrites :: Opcode -> [(Mode, Int)] -> [(Mode, Int)]
demoteWrites ADD (a:b:(m, i):xs) = a:b:(demote m, i):xs
demoteWrites MUL (a:b:(m, i):xs) = a:b:(demote m, i):xs
demoteWrites INP ((m,i):xs) = (demote m, i):xs
demoteWrites SEQ (a:b:(m, i):xs) = a:b:(demote m, i):xs
demoteWrites SLT (a:b:(m, i):xs) = a:b:(demote m, i):xs
demoteWrites _ l = l

demote POS = IMM
demote _ = error "Failed to demote mode"

performNext :: Memory -> Address -> [Input] -> IO Int
performNext mem ip input = do
(op, ps, argms) <- getInstruction mem ip
argms' <- return $ demoteWrites op argms
putStrLn $ "DEBUG :" ++ (show (ip, op, ps, argms, argms'))
vals <- sequence $ (unpackArg mem) <$> argms'
putStrLn $ "DEBUG vals:" ++ (show vals)
(input', halted, ip') <- runInstruction mem ip input op vals
if halted
readArray mem 0
performNext mem ip' input'

main = do
f <- readFile "day5.txt"
--f <- return "3,3,1107,-1,8,3,4,3,99"
w <- return $ (read :: String -> Int) <$> (words $ (\x -> if x == ',' then ' ' else x) <$> f)
a <- newListArray (0, length w - 1) w :: IO (IOArray Int Int)
--i <- readFile "day5_1input.txt"
--i' <- return $ (read :: String -> Int) <$> (words $ (\x -> if x == ',' then ' ' else x) <$> f)
i' <- return [5]
res <- performNext a 0 i'
putStrLn $ "Halted: " ++ (show res)


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