A plugin that creates a scrollable table with a fixed position header, (the header will stay put while you scroll down the table content). It allows the user to define the table dimensions as a fixed pixel amount, auto, or 100%. This is meant to be a relatively lightweight and unobtrusive plugin requiring very little setup and minimal css and HTML markup.
Ported from a jQuery plugin called Chromatable http://www.chromaloop.com/posts/chromatable-jquery-plugin http://plugins.jquery.com/project/Chromatable
MooChromaTables is very easy to use. The main requirement for this plugin to work correctly is that you have a with elements followed by a tbody section.
<table id='MyTable'>
width: can be any unit of measurement, '100%' or 'auto' defaults to '900px' height: can be any unit of measurement, '100%' or 'auto' defaults to '300px'