RFC-draw is a python tkinter-based drawing system, with three components:
rfc-draw.py - interactive drawing program to create on-screen diagrams,
and save them to rfc-draw-data (.rdd) files -
rdd-to-svg.py - creates a drawing's SVG file that conforms to the RFC7996 SVG schema
rdd-to-ascii.py - creates a drawing's ASCII-art (.txt) file
rfc-draw.py let's you draw (with your mouse) three kinds of objects, in three layers, with restrictions to allow for ASCII-art:
Lines have one or more segments; each segment must be either horizontal or vertical. -
Rectangles may have line(s) of text at their centre. -
A text object has one or more (centred) lines of text.
To use rfc-draw you'll need to install the following python modules:
tkinter, math, sys, re, os, svgwrite, traceback (for POSIX and windows)
termios (for POSIX) or msvcrt (for Windows)
To install a python module, e.g. tkinter, the (POSIX) command is
pip3 install tkinter
If that doesn't work, you may need to use a more up-to-date version of pip,
i.e. one that matches your version of python, for example pip3.10