Tools to streamline the use of Slack at SWC, e.g. for automating messages to course attendees.
Download and install the package using pip
git clone
cd swc-slack
pip install .
Set up authentication:
- Firstly, go to the Neuroinformatics Unit Slack app page (if you don't have access, contact Adam)
- Navigate to "OAuth & Permissions"
- Copy the "Bot User OAuth Token"
- Set this as an environmental variable on your machine. e.g.
Set slack token from environmental variable
slack_token = os.environ["SLACK_BOT_TOKEN"]
Initialise Slack client
from swc_slack.utils import get_client
client = get_client(slack_token)
Search for all users that responded to a specific message with a specific reaction
channel_id = "D55JK0ABC" # Copy a message link to find this
reaction_name = "penguin" # Can be anything
from import get_message_emoji_respondents
user_list, _, _ = get_message_emoji_respondents(
client, channel_id, text, reaction_name
Message a specific user
from swc_slack.messaging.write import send_message_to_user
send_message_to_user(client, UA8ABCXYZ, "Hello there!")
Message many users (with a confirmation step to prevent accidental spam)
from swc_slack.messaging.write import safe_send_message_to_users
safe_send_message_to_users(client, user_list, "Hello everyone!")
# Type "continue" at the prompt to send the message
- Messaging all users who responded to a message with a specific reaction (e.g. as an easy way to sign up to a course).
- To find the ID of a specific channel, copy the link to a message in the
channel, and the ID will be the penultimate part of the URL. e.g.
- To find the ID of an individual, click on their profile within Slack, then click the three dots, and select "Copy member ID".
- Beware that Slack allows users to specify a skin tone for emojis. Therefore, an emoji with a specific skin tone will be different from the default. If relying on this, it may be easier to choose inanimate emojis.
- I'm not currently aware of any unique message ID, so this must be searched for using text contained in the message