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App Deployment

jamielewisturner edited this page Mar 12, 2024 · 10 revisions

Running With Expo Go

git checkout main
yarn install
yarn run start

Then scan the QR code with Expo Go

Deployment with Expo Application Services (EAS)

From ([EAS docs]

EAS Build is a hosted service for building app binaries for Expo and React Native projects.

Once EAS is added to a project, you can no longer use Expo Go without logging into EAS. To allow developers to continue using Expo Go without logging in, the EAS configuration has been added to a separate branch called frontend-deploy. Before deploying, you will need to update the frontend-deploy branch.

git checkout main
git pull
git checkout frontend-deploy
git merge main

EAS Setup

Install EAS CLI

npm install --global eas-cli

Login to an expo account. If you do not have one, create one here(

eas login

Internal distribution

To avoid waiting for Apple/Google to review beta submissions. Internal testing can be used to immediately put the app on devices More info

IOS Internal distribution

Setting up ad hoc provisioning

Apps signed with an ad hoc provisioning profile can be installed by any iOS device whose unique identifier (UDID) is registered with the provisioning profile.

Setting up ad hoc provisioning consists of two steps. In the first step, you'll register devices that you want to be able to install your app. Run the following command to generate a URL (and QR code, for convenience) that you can open on your devices, and then follow the instructions on the registration page.

To register devices, run:

eas device:create

To build, run:

eas build --profile preview --platform all

Then follow instructions provided in the terminal