A collection of tools used by the nsm-pipelines
All tools are installed in /usr/local/bin/ and all jar files are placed in /usr/local/jars/
Run a tool command in the container (samtools in this case):
docker run bruggerk/nms-tools:latest samtools
give nsm-tools access to reference data in read-only mode, here as /references
docker run -v [PATH-TO-REFERENCE-DATA]:/references/:ro bruggerk/nsm-tools:latest samtools
However as the majority of the tools needs, and generates, data you will need to make a directory available through volumes:
# This will run docker mounting your current working directory in /run, and execute the program in /run
docker run -v [PATH-TO-REFERENCE-DATA]:/references/:ro -v`pwd`:/run/ -w /run bruggerk/nsm-tools:latest samtools
- samtools
- bcftools
- tabix
- bwa
- gatk
- verifyBamID
- bedtools
- minimap
- salmon
- picard