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SDKs to help card issuers to consume our APIs from iOS applications


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Network International iOS Card Management SDK

The Network International iOS Card Management SDK allows you to integrate with Network International standard APIs for card management. ( The current supported features are:

  1. Get Secured Card Details : Display a card component providing the ability to show card number, expiry date, CVV and cardholder name. This supports full end to end encryption to securely transport this sensitive information.
  2. Set PIN : Displays a PIN pad to allow cardholder to set a PIN on their new card. The PIN is end to end encrypted to securely transport this sensitive information
  3. Change PIN: Displays two PIN pad to allow the cardholder to change their PIN by providing old & new PIN. The PINs are end to end encrypted to securely transport this sensitive information
  4. Verify PIN: Displays a PIN pad to allow cardholder to verify PIN on their card. The PIN is end to end encrypted to securely transport this sensitive information
  5. View PIN: Displays a component providing the ability to show PIN card. The PIN is end to end encrypted to securely transport this sensitive information


The Network International iOS Card Management SDK requires Xcode 13 and later and works with iOS version 15 and above.


The SDK can be added via CocoaPods


The steps to install it via CocoaPods:

  1. Create a Podfile in the root directory where the .xcodeproj file resides.
  2. Add pod 'NICardManagementSDK’ to the Podfile created in the above step.
  3. Close Xcode and run pod install command on the directory where the Podfile was created.
  4. After performing the above step, open the .xcworkspace file that was created, to open your project.



After you have installed the SDK, by following one of the above set of steps, you can import the SDK into your iOS app and used it.


import NICardManagementSDK


Decide how token will be provided - create tokenFetchable(NICardManagementTokenFetchable), available options:
  1. Implement you own provider that meet protocol requiremets
  2. If you have token - you can use simple wrapper
let tokenFetcher = TokenFetcherFactory.makeSimpleWrapper(tokenValue: "your generated token")
Create SDK instance


    let sdk = NICardManagementAPI(
            rootUrl: connection.baseUrl,
            cardIdentifierId: cardIdentifierId,
            cardIdentifierType: cardIdentifierType,
            bankCode: bankCode,
            tokenFetchable: tokenFetcher,
            // pass nil if there are no needs in extra headers
            extraHeadersProvider: NICardManagementExtraHeaders,
            // pass nil or add logger for debugging, like NICardManagementLogging()
            logger: NICardManagementLogger
  • Use NICardManagementExtraHeaders when need to add some specific httpHeaders for each SDK http request, for example to bypass additional firewalls
final class AdditionalDemoHeadersProvider: NICardManagementExtraHeaders {
    func additionalNetworkHeaders() -> [String: String] {
        ["extraHeader1": "DemoExtraHttpHeaderValue"]
Configure appearance
  1. Card Attributes

Card Attributes has default values or NICardAttributes.niAlwaysWhite.

  • - default fonts and UIColor.label will be used for card elements.
  • NICardAttributes.niAlwaysWhite - default fonts and UIColor.niAlwaysWhite will be used for card elements, this color ignores Theme setting (light/dark).
  • use custom configuration to provide necessary string attributes (font, color, ...) for any card details elemend
        // configure elements that will be masked
        shouldBeMaskedDefault: Set<UIElement.CardDetails> = Set(UIElement.CardDetails.allCases),
        // [UIElement.CardDetails: NSAttributedString]
        // provide desired attributed string for card details label
        labels: UIElement.CardDetails.allCases.reduce(into: [:], { partialResult, label in
            partialResult[label] = label.defaultAttributedText(color: .niAlwaysWhite)
        // [UIElement.CardDetails: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any]]
        // provide desired String attributes that will be applied to card details value holder
        valueAttributes: UIElement.CardDetails.allCases.reduce(into: [:], { partialResult, label in
            partialResult[label] = [.font: label.defaultValueFont, .foregroundColor: UIColor.niAlwaysWhite]
  • Define which elements will be masked by default

To directly show the card details (not masked) when card view is displayed, we expect the shouldBeMaskedDefault property to be set to emtpy set. Or concrete elements can be masked by default

    let cardAttributes = NICardAttributes(shouldBeMaskedDefault: Set([.cvv]))
  • Define labels for cardView elements

To define custom texts for cardView labels - use labels

    let cardAttributes =         NICardAttributes(
            shouldBeMaskedDefault: Set([.cvv]),
            labels: [
                .cardNumber: NSAttributedString(
                    string: "My card >>",
                    attributes: [
                        .font : UIElement.CardDetails.cardNumber.defaultLabelFont,
                .cvv: NSAttributedString(
                    string: "My CVV >>",
                    attributes: [
                        .font : UIElement.CardDetails.cvv.defaultLabelFont,
  • Background image customization

For the card background image, we expect a UIImage to be set. The recommended size would be 343 x 182.

    let cardView = NICardView()
    cardView.setBackgroundImage(image: UIImage(named:"background_image"))
  • Possibility to set the text position as grouped labels

The card details labels are grouped as follows:

  • Card Number Group

  • Expiry Date & CVV Group

  • Card Holder Name Group

In order to set the position of the each group, we expect percentage (of card container view height and width) values to the following parameters: leftAlignment, cardNumberGroupTopAlignment, dateCvvGroupTopAlignment, cardHolderNameGroupTopAlignment

    let cardView = NICardView()
         NICardDetailsTextPositioning(leftAlignment: 0.09, cardNumberGroupTopAlignment: 0.4, dateCvvGroupTopAlignment: 0.6, cardHolderNameGroupTopAlignment: 0.8)

Most of the parameters are optional.

Display Card Details as a view

The customer application can integrate Card Details and View Pin as a view into a UIViewController

Constructing Custom layout Card Details view from given UI elements.

SDK allows to build any layout for card details by getting UI elements with card details data, this will help to keep card details data protected and not pass it in a war data

let cardPresenter = sdk.buildCardDetailsPresenter(cardAttributes:
// fetch data
cardPresenter.showCardDetails { errorResponse in
// check if errorResponse is not nil and handle error
// Composition of your layout by UI elements
let customView = UIStackView()
customView.axis = .vertical

Presenter allows copy values to clipbloard with given template

@objc func cardCopyAction() {
        let template = """
        cardNumber: %@
        cvv: %@
        expiry: %@
        cardPresenter.copyToClipboard([.cardNumber, .cvv, .expiry], template: template)
        showToast(message: "Copied")

Presenter can mask/unmask given set of elements, if set is empty - presenter will unmask all fields

cardPresenter.toggle(isMasked: Set(UIElement.CardDetails.allCases))
Constructing Card Details view.

A view of NICardView type can be added into storyboard or created programmatically

let cardView = NICardView()

then start the flow as below:

        cardAttributes: NICardAttributes.niAlwaysWhite,
        buttonsColor: .niAlwaysWhite, // define color for buttons
        maskableValues: Set(UIElement.CardDetails.allCases),
        service: sdk // CardDetailsService protocol, use sdk instance
    ) { errorResponse in
// check if errorResponse is not nil and handle error
// customize background image and text position
cardView.setBackgroundImage(image: backgroundImage)

Form Factory Interface

Display Card Details in a new screen (UIViewController).

The card info displayed are: Card Number, Expiry Date, CVV and Cardholder Name.

        viewController: navigationViewController,
        cardAttributes: NICardAttributes.niAlwaysWhite,
        cardViewBackground: UIImage(resource: .background),
        cardViewTextPositioning: nil) { successResponse, errorResponse in
        // handle error and success

Pin Form Factory Interface

A PIN-pad will be displayed into a separate screen (UIViewController).

  • provide desired text/color configuration if needed
    let pinVerifyConfig = VerifyPinViewModel.Config(
        descriptionAttributedText: NSAttributedString(
            string: NISDKStrings.verify_pin_description.rawValue,
            attributes: [.font : UIElement.PinFormLabel.verifyPinDescription.defaultFont, .foregroundColor: UIColor.label]
        titleText: NISDKStrings.verify_pin_title.rawValue,
        backgroundColor: .clear
    let pinChangeConfig = ChangePinViewModel.Config(
        enterCurrentPinText: NSAttributedString(
            string: NISDKStrings.change_pin_description_enter_current_pin.rawValue,
            attributes: [.font : UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 18) ?? UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 18), .foregroundColor: UIColor.label]
        enterNewPinText: ChangePinViewModel.Config.default.enterNewPinText,
        reEnterNewPinText: ChangePinViewModel.Config.default.reEnterNewPinText,
        notMatchPinText: ChangePinViewModel.Config.default.notMatchPinText,
        titleText: ChangePinViewModel.Config.default.titleText,
        backgroundColor: ChangePinViewModel.Config.default.backgroundColor
    let pinSetConfig = SetPinViewModel.Config.default
  • specify required pin type (pin length 4...6): let pinType = NIPinFormType.dynamic
Set PIN Form
    sdk.setPinForm(type: pinType, config: pinSetConfig) { successResponse, errorResponse in
	//  handle here error and success
Change PIN Form

Change PIN is a two step flow: 1.Capture current PIN 2.Capture new PIN

sdk.changePinForm(type: pinType, config: pinChangeConfig) { successResponse, errorResponse in
	// handle here error and success
Verify PIN Form
sdk.verifyPinForm(type: pinType, config: pinVerifyConfig) { successResponse, errorResponse in
	// handle here error and success

Programatic Interface

The customer application will be responsible to handle the UI part.

Retrieve Card Details

The programmatic interface of the card details will return the card details in an object (NICardDetailsResponse). The card info returned are: Card Number, Expiry Date, CVV and Cardholder Name.


sdk.getCardDetails { successResponse, errorResponse in
    //  handle here error and success

The programmatic interface for the Set PIN functionality will return a success or failure response.


sdk.setPin(pin: pin) { successResponse, errorResponse in
    //  handle here error and success
Change PIN

The programmatic interface for the Change PIN functionality will return a success or failure response.


sdk.changePin(oldPin: oldPin, newPin: newPin) { successResponse, errorResponse in
    //  handle here error and success
Verify PIN

The programmatic interface for the Verify PIN functionality will return a success or failure response.


sdk.verifyPin(pin: pin) { successResponse, errorResponse in
    //  handle here error and success

Sample application

Check sample application in "Example" directory with SDK usage


SDKs to help card issuers to consume our APIs from iOS applications







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