A simple script that will help you testing you animation before uploading your avatar to VRChat.
Just download and import in your project the unitypackage that you can find here:
https://vrcmods.com/user/BlackStartx (WIP)
Once the package is imported you will find a folder inside the Asset one named "GestureManager", there you will find the prefab you need to drop into the scene.
Drop the prefab in to your scene and whenever you will enter in PlayMode the script will aim for the first active avatar that has an VRC_AvatarDescriptor whit at least one controller override.
Your avatar should now enter into the "Animation pose" (Like the one on the image above).
Now you can select the gesture to play directly in Unity, each gesture has the name of the animation file its releated.
Whit this script you can easly test your combination of gesture in Unity ;D
For any feedback fell free to contact me on Discord: BlackStartx#6593
Thanks for using my script <3
- BlackStartx