The Looker Prometheus Exporter fetches metrics on dashboard performance from Looker and exports them to Prometheus.
It's highly WIP!
## Usage
Currently, everything is set in env vars (an example .env is provided). The following (hopefully self-explanatory) variables are what you need:
N.B. The Looker API runs by default on port 1999 (as mentioned here). If you're getting 403s all over, maybe you need to try this port.
With those variables set, the exporter is simply run with:
python -m looker_prometheus_exporter
- Switch to more common container registry (e.g. Docker Hub)
- Add more accessible deploy script (pushes to above container registry, builds from standard Python image and start versioning)
- Monitor multiple dashboards
- Add comprehensive unit tests (for a start...)
- Bagsy a default port